Snatched From Home: Claire Knight ~Guest Review

OMFG! OMFG! OMFG!  My ‘lil star has finally read and reviewed one of my all time favourite books by one of my favourite authors!…and breathe….  I was excited and nervous to see what Claire had to say about Snatched From Home because it is no secret….I absolutely LOVE #DIHarryEvans and #TheMajorCrimesTeam …so much so that I sometimes get a wee bit defensive if someone does not love these books as much as I do!  I mean, I am no Annie Wilkes but I am certainly #LeaderOfTheCheer when it comes to Graham Smith and ALL his books!  So to say I was over-the-moon with this absolutely AMAZING review would be an understatement!  Check out Claire’s thought’s on Mr Smith’s debut novel from 2015!



Middle-class parents Victoria and Nicholas Foulkes are distraught when their children are kidnapped against Nicholas’ gambling debts. Penniless and desperate the couple turn to crime as a way to raise the ransom.

Hot on their heels is recently bereaved DI Harry Evans and his Major Crimes team. Evans is fighting against enforced retirement and his replacement – DI John Campbell – is foisted upon him along with other cases. If he must leave the police then he wants one last big case before he goes.

In a race against time Victoria and Nicholas must evade the police while continuing to add to the ransom fund. If they don’t pay up on time the kidnappers have threatened to amputate their children’s limbs with an oxy-acetylene torch.

Can they save their children before time runs out?

Claire’s Rating: 5/5    ( EEEEEEEEEK!!!!!)

Claire’s Review:

If you need to imagine what sort of detective DI Harry Evans is, his colleague DI John Campbell sums it perfectly “That’s no reason to go running round like you’re Gene Hunt” I love Gene Hunt, rough, tough, likes a pint or two(!) and catches the criminals…though Harry does drive a slightly more up to date car than a Quattro! At one point I was feeling a lot of love for the rogue in his tenacity to police the streets of Cumbria but also showing a personal interest in those he’s protecting.

Having met the team in the Major Crimes Team: Volume 1 Lines of Enquiry, I got to meet them all again and in particular Lauren flaunting “her femininity as a weapon of mass distraction”. She uses her womanly wiles and physique to distract and confuse those naughty men to get the answers the team need to get the investigations one step closer to being solved.

All the characters are a little larger than you’d expect in life but it works. Campbell’s straight-laced procedure-following ethics contrasts Evans’ anything goes to get the job done attitude; Lauren over-egging her sexuality; even Chisholm’s IT geekiness! The personalities fit and make the book an excellent read!

The story has plenty of pace with the team investigating robberies and cons with the effects of the kidnapping rumbling along without their knowledge. Will the kidnappers be caught? Will the children make it out unharmed? Only time will tell!

A big thank you to Noelle for bullying…I mean encouraging me to read Snatched from Home. Can’t wait to read Matching The Evidence!!


Absolutely LOVE this review and this book!  Tomorrow I will have a cover reveal and Guest Post from Mr Smith for his soon-to-be published novella, Matching The Evidence!  There is still time to meet everyone in #TheMajorCrimesTeam before then, so click the link and meet #DIHarryEvans — the copper you will hate to love!  

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