Tuesday Falling ~Review~



You’ve never met anyone like Tuesday. She has suffered extreme cruelty at the hands of men, and so has taken it upon herself to seek vengeance. She wants to protect and help others like her, to ease their suffering. A force to be reckoned with, she lives beneath the streets of London in the hidden network of forgotten tunnels that honeycomb the city – and this is her preferred hunting ground.

When Tuesday is connected to a series of brutal attacks on gang members, DI Loss takes on the investigation. A burned-out detective still suffering the devastating effects of the unsolved murder of his daughter three years earlier, the case starts to hit close to home. Because soon Loss will discover that Tuesday could hold the key to uncovering the truth about what happened to his daughter…

My Rating: 5/5

My Review:

Well Holy-Bloody-Hell!! What a book!  I had come across this book on various book clubs/groups I am a member of and decided to give it a go.  At 99p (and still is by the way) there would be nothing lost if I did not actually like it.  So glad I took a chance and bagged this beauty as I tell you what…it is a definite must read!

Tuesday is not your typical protagonist.  She is an anti hero who you find yourself immediately drawn to.  A broken soul with a kick-ass drive for retribution, you cannot help but cheer her on!  She stands up for the lost, vulnerable victims –like Lilly-Rose– and dishes out her own form of justice where the system has failed.  In my mind, I pictured her as a cross between Harley Quinn (look her up if you are not a comic book fan lol) and Alice from Resident Evil.  Her weapons of choice are not conventional either and the author has a page where you can check them out! Click here for Tuesday’s Weapons

A few of the other characters who struck a chord with me, were DI Loss and DS Stone.  They are tasked with solving the murders and bringing Tuesday in.  You can tell, however, they too, are torn between helping Tuesday and stopping her rampage.  Not the best predicament for coppers to find themselves in!

The chapters are short and easy to read.  Each one packed with a twist or revelation.  The text is not overtly descriptive either…you get exactly what you need to visualise the story in your mind.  Love that!

The gang members within this story are easily despised…cocky, trumped up lowlifes — those who make the law abiding members of society angry and fearful at the same time.  But when Tuesday unleashes her wrath…well I may have punched the air and screamed “Hell Yeah” a few times!  Do I condone vigilantism? Nope…but I won’t lie..I did smirk/grin a few times when Tuesday was meting out her punishments!

And towards the end…well there was a bit of an emotional roller-coaster going on..no spoilers…but I did have a lump in my throat!  So if you want a kick-ass, in-your-face read which will literally grab you by the shoulders and scream in your face…YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!

I highly recommend you grab yourself a copy of this book as you will not be disappointed!  And S. Williams…I cannot wait to interview you for my blog!!  One of my favourite reads of 2016!


16 Replies to “Tuesday Falling ~Review~”

  1. Ooh looking forward to the Q&A! The only issue I had with Tuesday Falling is that the next one I read has a LOT to live up to! ?

  2. Firstly Jeanette…you rock! I cannot wait to read your book (very soon!) and yeah…this book rocks! I am looking forward to doing a Q&A with S.Williams…great story!

  3. Bit late to the party but I too loved this book. I started to read it the day before mine came out and I was having terrifying attacks of self-doubt about mine. Then I read Tuesday and I relaxed, because S Williams also wrote in present tense, had short chapters and a plot line similar to a part of mine which I’d been worrying about (babies!)
    I want to make it clear I’m not comparing my book to this one, nor the writing (I’m not that good – yet!) But somehow, personally, S Williams and Tuesday were a great help and comfort to me, and, it was a cracking story. The author got the setting so spot on I was there in my head. I can’t WAIT for more from this author!

  4. Hi Mark! Glad you popped over to say hello! Very kind words re:my review
    Tuesday Falling WILL NOT disappoint you! I think every girl could use a Tuesday in her life! I know I could have!
    And thanks so much for the compliment about my blog! I love it …love my Guest Reviewers…love the books…yours will be on here one day too! Hopefully soon! ?

  5. Hi Noelle,

    Thought it was time I popped over here and had a look around. It was this review on FB that made me buy the book. I won’t go into details, but being a dad to a daughter who could have done with a Tuesday in her life, I’m hoping that Tuesday manages to achieve all she has planned – don’t tell me anything, am 3 quarters of the way through!
    Great blog by the way, added it to my sites blogroll 🙂

  6. I still think if aimed at YA market it needs to be 16 and over unless they are more mature teens. I agree with the youth needing to know more about “right” and “wrong” but a lot of that is down to learned behaviour and what they see from their “role” models in the home~ if they are directed to be disrepectful or think violence/drugs are ok…I am also guessing, they won’t be reading many books! That also needs to change! The book was not gruesome and was definitely thought provoking but not sure if that is because I understood the topic/message. Hard to separate my work from my reading at times…both are things I love. Without the proper adult role model/guidance, a teen could read this and think …”and what” …if that makes sense? As for the violence…think I have seen more in PS4 or XBox games than I read about in this book!

  7. Just the sort of person who can answer this question then! I’m sure S. Williams will tell you in the interview that the original idea was for a YA title but that some issues, including the violence, were considered too sensitive for underage readership. Plus S. Williams manages not to judge anyone, whereas apparently younger (teen) readers need to be directed towards an understanding of what is “right” and what is “wrong”.


    what you doing to me. I really don’t need anymore books. so why have I just read your review and gone right over to Amazon and bought the damn thing.

    YOu are being blocked. (oh and so is Kat, because it was her sharing your link that made me come to read it).
    Bad girls… whispers under breath…. bitches….

  9. Hmmm….depends on the age of the teenager. Also on how impressionable. Not sure I would encourage anyone under the age of 16 to read; also depend on the maturity level…but it was not gruesome…dealt with some important topics…oooh difficult to answer! Sorry…I don’t want to be responsible for corrupting the youth–I am a Senior Probation Officer in real life! LOL

  10. Fab review Noelle. I love Tuesday Fallingand can’t wait yonder what happens next with the main characters. #BringBackTuesday