When life gets tough… Desperation seeps in. #ToxicJustice #Review #JusticeSeries @nholten40 @melcom1

When life gets tough…

Desperation seeps in.

When Jonathan Giles has nowhere left to turn in life, he commits suicide. How can a fifteen-year-old boy be driven to take such drastic action to solve his problems?

DI Lorne Warner is about to tackle the most heart-wrenching, nonsensical case of her career.

With the suicide statistics among teenagers rising on her patch, DCI Roberts asks Lorne to investigate the reasons behind the victims taking their own lives.

Will the shocking truth Lorne and her tenacious team uncover give the grieving families the justice they deserve?

Set in London, the reader is faced with the tough but very real issue of bullying, grief, control, manipulation and the never ending search for the truth.

OMG! OMG! OMG! This novel is emotional on SO many levels … it may have broke me a bit! I can’t believe this is the last full length novel of the Justice series; life with Lorne and the gang has been a blast, so it feels like I’m saying goodbye to and letting go of a good friend. Totes emosh!!

Perfectly paced, the tone of the novel is grim, raw and soul destroying at times, but also makes you reflect not only on the story, but on yourself – at least this is what it did to me. A dark, twisted tale that had me breathless with OMG moments that hit me hard- punching me right in the gut – I love that! This series of novels/novella’s are easy reads – they were my “go to” books, when I needed a good, solid story with fabulous narrative and characters that never let me down!

I personally loved the dynamic between Lorne and DCI Roberts in this story – in fact, we learn a lot about all the characters and the author wraps everything up in a seriously heart-wrenching ending ….HOLY FRIG! If I wasn’t enough of a mess as I read through this, I was certainly one by the end!  I just love everything about this series and although the full length novels are done, the author has said we will still get to read more in novellas – so at least my #JusticeAddiction will be fed for the foreseeable future!

Would I recommend this book? Oh that is an absolute HELL YEAH – the whole series are must reads. Huge thanks to the author for bringing Lorne, and her team into my reading life – it has been a blast!

Grab your copy today!