✨ Publication Day! ✨ #HisTruthHerTruth #NoelleHolten #OneMoreChapter

The day has finally arrived – my latest book, #HisTruthHerTruth is finally out and available to buy via al retailers. How am I spending the day? Mainly recuperating, as I’ve been ill, but I’ll be popping onto social media and Continue reading ✨ Publication Day! ✨ #HisTruthHerTruth #NoelleHolten #OneMoreChapter

So I wrote another book… #HisTruthHerTruth #CoverReveal #ThrillerBookRecs #OneMoreChapter

Exciting ✨BOOK NEWS✨ I’ve just finished the FINAL edits and I thought it was probably time to share the cover for my next thriller, published by One More Chapter | HarperCollins UK in March 2025! So here it is… An Continue reading So I wrote another book… #HisTruthHerTruth #CoverReveal #ThrillerBookRecs #OneMoreChapter

Five Years On: Reflecting on Dead Inside #dcmaggiejamieson #OneMoreChapter

It’s surreal to think that it has been five years since Dead Inside hit the shelves, a book that marked the beginning of an unexpected journey into the world of crime writing for me… I went from avid reader/reviewer to Continue reading Five Years On: Reflecting on Dead Inside #dcmaggiejamieson #OneMoreChapter

Favourite series with strong female leads! #SilentVictim #BrokenPromises #Review @writermels @MichaelHWood

I know! I know! I read both these books aaaages ago but I’m still playing catch up on reviews so bear with me. Two of my favourite authors, favourite series and favourite female leads! Police procedurals are my go to Continue reading Favourite series with strong female leads! #SilentVictim #BrokenPromises #Review @writermels @MichaelHWood

🔊 ON OFFER! 🔊 Everyone has an agenda. Everyone has a secret. No one has an alibi… #6RipleyAvenue is only 99p #KMD #OneMoreChapter #UKOffer

Super excited to share the news that my first standalone novel #6RipleyAvenue is now only 99p in the UK as part of a kindle monthly deal! So for the month of October you can get my latest novel (ebook) for Continue reading 🔊 ON OFFER! 🔊 Everyone has an agenda. Everyone has a secret. No one has an alibi… #6RipleyAvenue is only 99p #KMD #OneMoreChapter #UKOffer

ONE HOUSE. EIGHT KILLERS. NO WITNESSES. #CoverReveal #6RipleyAvenue #pickupapageturner #NCRM @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

OMG! With June being National Crime Reading Month it seems fitting that my fabulous publisher has arranged for the cover of my next book to be revealed this month! I thought I’d share it again in case anyone missed it Continue reading ONE HOUSE. EIGHT KILLERS. NO WITNESSES. #CoverReveal #6RipleyAvenue #pickupapageturner #NCRM @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

There is a battle coming to Liverpool and only the most loyal will survive… #LiverpoolLoyalty #Review @nholten40 @cjfinlaywriter

  Keep your friends close… When Grace Carter’s boys are arrested for murder, she’s forced to call on her most trusted and loyal connections to keep the boys out of prison. She’ll even ask for help from those she would Continue reading There is a battle coming to Liverpool and only the most loyal will survive… #LiverpoolLoyalty #Review @nholten40 @cjfinlaywriter

Can Helen unearth the secrets of the killer before it’s too late? #SecretsOfASerialKiller @nholten40 @ciderwithrosie @0neMoreChapter_

Happy Publication Day to Rosie Walker and Secrets of a Serial Killer ?? There it is: FEAR. It’s crawling all over her face and in her eyes, like a swarm of insects, and it’s all because of HIM. A serial Continue reading Can Helen unearth the secrets of the killer before it’s too late? #SecretsOfASerialKiller @nholten40 @ciderwithrosie @0neMoreChapter_

You don’t turn your back on family… #BackInTheGame #Review #PublicationDay @nholten40 @cjfinlaywriter @0neMoreChapter_

Happy Publication Day to Caz Finlay and Back in the Game!  ’A gritty, gangland read that will have you on the edge of your seat, Back in the Game is intense and explosive reading!’ Noelle Holten, bestselling author of Dead Inside A page-turning, gritty gangland crime novel perfect Continue reading You don’t turn your back on family… #BackInTheGame #Review #PublicationDay @nholten40 @cjfinlaywriter @0neMoreChapter_

Abusive relationships – My Journey #BehindClosedDoors #DeadInside #DomesticAbuse @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @the_cwa @thrillerwriters

My debut novel Dead Inside was published by One More Chapter/Harper Collins UK this year (edited: 2019) – it tells the story of Lucy Sherwood, a Probation Officer who works with domestic abusers in a multi agency team by day, Continue reading Abusive relationships – My Journey #BehindClosedDoors #DeadInside #DomesticAbuse @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @the_cwa @thrillerwriters

The real nightmare begins when the missing person returns… #CloserThanBlood #Review @nholten40 @PaulGlaznost @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @BOTBSPublicity

OMG eeeeeeek!! I have been DYING…D-Y-I-N-G…to share my review for the ever-so-awesome Paul Grzegorzek’s Closer Than Blood and today…my friends…is THAT DAY!! A massive thanks to the author, Netgalley via the publisher One More Chapter and the fabulous Sarah Hardy Continue reading The real nightmare begins when the missing person returns… #CloserThanBlood #Review @nholten40 @PaulGlaznost @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @BOTBSPublicity

What’s Happened & What’s Happening… #Highlights @nholten40 @ButeNoir @PrintPoint97 @WaterstonesGla @MorecambeVice @BloodyScotland @0neMoreChapter_ @the_cwa @thrillerwriters

What better way to kick off a new month than to have a look back at some of the highlights of the summer and look ahead at some of the things I’m super excited about in the next few weeks! Continue reading What’s Happened & What’s Happening… #Highlights @nholten40 @ButeNoir @PrintPoint97 @WaterstonesGla @MorecambeVice @BloodyScotland @0neMoreChapter_ @the_cwa @thrillerwriters

Is she the murderer, or the victim? #TheVerdict #review @oisaachenry @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

A cheating wife. An estranged mother. But is she guilty of murder? Please raise your right hand. An affair at work has cost Julia Winter her job and her marriage. There’s no denying she has let her family down. Please Continue reading Is she the murderer, or the victim? #TheVerdict #review @oisaachenry @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_