Thrilled to be hosting Helen Field’s PERFECT CRIME blog tour today with an extract to capture your interest! Thanks to Sabah Khan and Avon for the invite and the ARC. First a little about the author and this book!
About the Author

A former barrister, Helen now writes a Scottish set crime series – D.I.Callanach and D.I. Ava Turner.
Helen Fields’ first love was drama and music. From a very young age she spent all her free time acting and singing until law captured her attention as a career path. She studied law at the University of East Anglia, then went on to the Inns of Court School of Law in London.
After completing her pupillage, she joined chambers in Middle Temple where she practised criminal and family law for thirteen years. Undertaking cases that ranged from Children Act proceedings and domestic violence injunctions, to large scale drug importation and murder, Helen spent years working with the police, CPS, Social Services, expert
witnesses and in Courts Martials.
After her second child was born, Helen left the Bar. Together with her husband David, she went on to run Wailing Banshee Ltd, a film production company, acting as script writer and producer.
Helen self-published two fantasy books as a way of testing herself and her writing abilities. She enjoyed the creative process so much that she began writing in a much more disciplined way, and decided to move
into the traditional publishing arena through an agent.
The Perfect series is set in Scotland, where Helen feels most at one with the world. Edinburgh and San Francisco are her two favourite cities, and she travels whenever she can.
Beyond writing, she has a passion for theatre and cinema, often boring friends and family with lengthy reviews and critiques. Taking her cue from her children, she has recently taken up karate and indoor sky
diving. Helen and her husband now live in Hampshire with their three children and two dogs.
Helen can be found on Twitter @Helen_Fields for up to date news and information.
About the Book

Your darkest moment is your most vulnerable…
Stephen Berry is about to jump off a bridge until a suicide prevention counsellor stops him. A week later, Stephen is dead. Found at the bottom of a cliff, DI Luc Callanach and DCI Ava Turnerare drafted in to investigate whether he jumped or whether he was pushed…
As they dig deeper, more would-be suicides roll in: a woman found dead in a bath; a man violently electrocuted. But these are carefully curated deaths – nothing like the impulsive suicide attempts they’ve been made out to be.
Little do Callanach and Turner know how close their perpetrator is as, across Edinburgh, a violent and psychopathic killer gains more confidence with every life he takes…
An unstoppable crime thriller from the #1 bestseller. The perfect read for fans of Karin Slaughter and M. J. Arlidge.

I know that I am one of those weirdos in the book community who reads series out of order – and I will not apologise (ha ha) and this was the case with this novel. I had no difficulty in picking this up and enjoying the story, though I will now be going back to read the others!
Set in Scotland, this was such a fabulously dark read, perfectly paced and with brilliant characters, I was hooked immediately! It was tense and the author really knows how to keep the reader glued to the pages. I really enjoyed ‘meeting’ Luc and Ava and although there was an underlying story which I guess flows throughout the series – It made me want to go back and catch up with everything I had missed.
Would I recommend this read? Easily and completely! Action packed, intense and an absolutely nail biting read, I highly recommend you pick up this series!

Stopping off at the police station, Ava and Callanach grabbed wet-weather gear, more substantial flashlights than were in the boots of their cars, and notified the control room of their plans. By the time they’d driven the thirty-odd miles east from the city centre towards North Berwick, taking the winding lanes from the main road to the tip of the coast with due respect for the rain and wind, it was just past midnight.
They sat quietly in Luc’s car, having bypassed the car park at the end of the lane in preference for parking directly outside the entry booth-cum-gift shop. Looking across at the vast curtain wall that had once shielded the inner grounds of the castle from marauders, they listened to the increasingly thunderous rain.
‘I came here for a weekend to do an archery course as a child,’ Ava smiled. ‘By the end of the first day, I thought I’d fallen in love with the instructor.’
‘What happened?’ Luc asked.
‘Oh, you know, like most crushes you have when you’re ten and your instructor’s twenty-five, it ended when he patted me on the head and said I’d tried really hard, then his bleach blonde girlfriend turned up in her miniskirt and my heart broke into a thousand pieces.’
‘Are you over it yet?’
‘Well, I still feel butterflies in my stomach when I see a man holding a longbow but other than that, I think I’m through the worst. Do you believe in ghosts?’ she asked.
‘No. It’s simple statistics. How many people have inhabited this earth and died? Surely we’d be overrun with restless spirits if that was the case.’
‘Cynic,’ she replied. ‘I thought Frenchmen were supposed to be romantic.’
Make sure to follow the rest of the tour here: