PAST ECHOES #Exclusive #CoverReveal @nholten40 @GrahamSmith1972 @Bloodhoundbook

#AllTheEeeeeks and #OMFG’s right now! I am over the moon to exclusively be sharing Graham Smith’s cover for the next book in the #JakeBoulder series….PAST ECHOES .

I am so giddy with excitement! #TheLeaderOfHisCheer ?? Ok, first let’s get the formalities out of the way – a little bit about this AWESOME author and then the book blurb….and what a bloody blurb! Whoop! Whoop!

About The Author

Graham Smith is a time served joiner who has built bridges, houses, dug drains and slated roofs to make ends meet. Since Christmas 2000, he has been manager of a busy hotel and wedding venue near Gretna Green, Scotland.

He is an internationally best-selling Kindle author and has four books featuring DI Harry Evans and the Cumbrian Major Crimes Team, and two novels, featuring Utah doorman, Jake Boulder.

2018 will be a busy year for Graham as he has the third Jake Boulder being published and a Harry Evans novel and novella.

An avid fan of crime fiction since being given one of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books at the age of eight, he has also been a regular reviewer and interviewer for the well-respected website since 2009

Graham is the founder of Crime and Publishment, a weekend of crime-writing classes which includes the chance for attendees to pitch their novels to agents and publishers. Since the first weekend in 2013, eight attendees have gone on to sign publishing contracts.

Graham can be found at




About the Book

Jake Boulder is back and he’s tasked with tracking down a man due to inherit a small fortune. Not only that, he must also reveal the secret which forced a young woman to flee New York some forty years ago. The evidence he needs is hidden in a safety deposit box and while Boulder has the key, the only clue he has for the box’s location is a series of numbers etched onto the key and a mysterious list of names.

Boulder has his work cut out since he must also locate his estranged father, Cameron MacDonald, so that Cameron can donate bone marrow to Boulder’s half-brother John.

In a game of cat and mouse, he must solve the case and find the two men without alerting those who control New York’s underworld.

Can Boulder survive against both the mafia and a professional hitman, in what is his toughest case yet?

What did I tell you? Awesome, right!?  And I know this for a fact as I beta read this badboy with a few other amazing bloggers and we all agree…#BestBoulderBookYet ? So how about that cover then? 

As much as I love a #booktease…I’ll behave…just this once…and reveal it now…OMG…you ready? Feast your eyes on PAST ECHOES…..

BOOM! Love this cover!  Past Echoes is out 01/02/2018 and there will be a blog blitz you should keep your eyes ? open for! Plus, my ‘lil star guest reviewer- Claire Knight- is flying the nest and kicking off this blitz on her own blog! #ProudMamaMoment: A Knight’s Read ??

I cannot friggin wait! My thanks to Sarah Hardy, Bloodhound Books and Graham Smith for giving me the pleasure of sharing this awesome cover with you all!