Irrational Justice: #Review #ShortStory @melcom1 @nholten40


A fast-paced short story thriller in the bestselling Justice series.

In a race against time, with the life of a young woman at risk, DI Lorne Simpkins and her partner, DS Pete Childs find themselves in an impossible situation which puts them in mortal danger.

Can the dynamic duo rescue her before she draws her final breath, or will they fall victim to a diabolical killer?

My Rating: 5/5


My Review:

Woohoo!  I do love a wee #JusticeFix and M.A. Comley gave me the perfect one with this little beauty! My thanks to the author for providing me with a ARC for review.

Set in London, the reader comes face to face with abduction, control, organised crime, judgement, fear and of course, justice!

What a fantastic prologue in this short story to immediately pull the reader in – with the suspense mounting – you immediately want to know more! There was a great flow to the story too! It may be short, but the impact is there without making the reader feel they are missing out on things. The Justice series is one of my favourites and I can devour any one of these books in hours.

M.A. Comley has a great focus on characters, even those she has written for years…we always learn a little bit more or see a different side to some of our faves! D.I. Lorne Simpkins has to be one of my favourite female lead Detectives. Right away, we are aware she is under some serious pressure, both personally and professionally. She has a strong sense of justice and wanting to do her very best for the victims and their families – often to the detriment of her own family.  I love her to pieces! She is strong-willed, courageous and at times, quite vulnerable – but she won’t stop until the culprits are apprehended!

Thrilled that DS Pete Childs -aka Chunky- also makes an appearance! I like that he was a bit more challenging of Lorne in this book and maybe even a little critical of her choices. But it is all for the greater good as he is loyal and protective and just wants Lorne to find a balance.

The killer is cunning, manipulative and oh-so conniving. This person has Lorne and her team exactly where they want them – jumping through whatever hoop is necessary – will Lorne and the team bring this baddie to justice? You’ll have to read the story to find out!

For die hard Justice fans like myself, this is the perfect fix to get you through while we wait ever so patiently for the next in this series. For those who have not come across this series, it is a great little insight to the team and how they operate. Easily read as a stand-alone, I highly recommend all crime fiction fans get #HookedOnJustice!

Grab a copy from the link below:

2 Replies to “Irrational Justice: #Review #ShortStory @melcom1 @nholten40”

  1. Wow, what a fabulous review. So pleased you enjoyed it, Noelle. Thank you, hon. Watch out for Heroic Justice due out in November. xx