He Said / She Said: Claire Knight #GuestReview

Nothing like a psychological thriller to kick off your Sunday on a positive note!  Or is that just me?  Regardless, here is a smashing review from Claire Knight, guest reviewer which I don’t think you’ll want to miss! 


In the hushed aftermath of a total eclipse, Laura witnesses a brutal attack.

She and her boyfriend Kit call the police, and in that moment, four lives change forever.

Fifteen years on, Laura and Kit live in fear.

And while Laura knows she was right to speak out, she also knows that you can never see the whole picture: something is always hidden… something she never could have guessed.

Claire’s Rating: 5/5

Claire’s Review:

He Said/She Said, on the face of it, is your typical “her word against his” case but as the story develops and you peel back the layers of the characters’ lives, you learn so much more.

It’s the story of two eclipse chasers, Laura and Kit, celebrating the great event in Cornwall and they interrupt what looks like a violent rape. They do the right thing and report the attack which goes to court. But by doing the right thing, their lives change forever in a way they never ever expected.

Within a couple of chapters of starting this book, I was hooked. I could tell that the story was building to something instantly but what it was, I didn’t know. The story arc of this psychological thriller kept growing and growing to the end – I really could not see where the journey that these characters would be taking. It kept me guessing throughout, the twists just kept coming right up to the last page and even the very last paragraph of the book – you think you’ve got it sussed and then bang out of nowhere, something else comes and slaps you round the face! Packed with intrigue!!

Erin Kelly’s writing draws you right in. I was there in the Cornish field waiting for the eclipse, in the court room, on the boat to the Faroe Islands and beyond. The time jumping between the present and the past really worked, perfectly placed chapters revealing an extra piece of the jigsaw to show why Laura and Kit are where they are in the present. The past is definitely playing a part in shaping their current lifestyle and their future.

This is the first book I’ve read by Erin Kelly, despite having both The Ties That Bind and The Poison Tree to read. Needless to say I will be reading more from Ms Kelly – this book has got her a new fan! If you like your psychological thrillers, you won’t go far wrong with He Said/She Said.

Many thanks to Hodder & Stoughton and Netgalley for giving me an advanced reader copy of He Said/She Said.

Brilliant review, Claire!  I’m sold!  You are now responsible for adding another book to Mount St TBR – the volcanic heap of books that I need to read!  By the sounds of this book, however – it may get pushed up the TBR!  I mean, even the synopsis is intriguing! Click the book below, #bookjunkies if this sounds like something you need on your TBR too!