
‘Outstanding – relentless, multi-layered suspense and real human drama’ Lee Child

There are some surprises that no-one should ever have to experience. Standing over the body of your beloved – and murdered – niece is one of them. For Detective Inspector Harry Virdee, a man perilously close to the edge, it feels like the beginning of the end.

His boss may be telling him he’s too close to work the case, but this isn’t something that Harry can just let lie. He needs to dive into the murky depths of the Bradford underworld and find the monster that lurks there who killed his flesh and blood.

But before he can, he must tell his brother, Ron, the terrible news. And there is no predicting how he will react. Impulsive, dangerous and alarmingly well connected, Ron will act first and think later. Harry may have a murderer to find but if he isn’t careful, he may also have a murder to prevent.

My Rating: 5/5


My Review:

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!  I have been waiting AGES to post and share this review!  OMFG, what a book!!!!  In case you can’t guess, I bloody loved Girl Zero and once again, A.A. Dhand has completely BLOWN MY MIND! I thought Streets of Darkness was utterly superb (Read my review HERE) so was worried that A.A. Dhand could not possibly write an even better book….well, I was wrong…and he did!!!

Set in the…erm…. streets of darkness, Bradford – the reader finds themselves drawn into tough decisions, a haunting past, guilt, social deprivation, conflict, revenge, reconciliation, revelations, false hopes and justice…but at what cost?

The prologue of this book instantly set me up for the thrilling, exhilarating and emotive story before me.  First words out of my mouth? Holy Sh*t!! – because once the #BOOMS started, they just didnotstop!  Told in third person POV, this fast-paced novel is dark and full of twists.  I knew immediately that this was going to be an amazing read…I just had no clue how friggin AMAZING it would turn out to be!

Characters were really brought to the forefront in this novel and fleshed out beautifully, so we got to know that little bit more about them than we did in Streets of Darkness.  Of course I am going to start off by talking about the main character: DI Harry Virdee – oh how I missed this guy!  Twelve months I had to wait…twelve, long months – there should be a law about how long readers have to wait for their favourite characters to return!  Poor Harry is still haunted by the demons from his past and I wonder whether or not he will ever escape them.  Harry’s desire to be back in his family’s good books seems to cloud his judgement at times but his wife, Saima – is always the voice of reason -I adore her fierce loyalty and ability to see shades of grey rather than strictly just the black & white.  Harry is determined but also quite vulnerable in this novel and I feared whether this would lead to even more recklessness in Harry’s behaviour…

I was quite surprised about the relevations relating to Ronnie Virdee (Harry’s brother) – he is the complete opposite of Harry: organised crime boss, nasty streak BUT still in his family’s good graces!  I don’t really want to say anymore – but WOW….loved his character development!

Ali Karam, Tara, Mundeep and Sarah are also characters which piqued my interest.  Some in good ways…some…welll ewwwww… crawled…a lot…shivering as I write this ….now who am I talking about?  Read the book…you’ll see! ?

This was a raw, intense, explosive, emotive, heart-wrenching work of crime fiction that left me aching for more!  If I could literally scream BUY THIS BOOK from the rooftops….I would!!  So yeah…I most definitely recommend this book and urge you to click the link below and grab a copy stat!