THEY BELIEVE HIS LIES. SHE KNOWS THE TRUTH. #NoSecrets #Review @Author_Dave @ViperBooks

THEY BELIEVE HIS LIES. SHE KNOWS THE TRUTH. You can’t lie to Izzy Lambert. Her highly developed empathic abilities allow her to read people’s emotions with terrifying accuracy – and consequences. As a child her insights sparked her parents’ divorce. Continue reading THEY BELIEVE HIS LIES. SHE KNOWS THE TRUTH. #NoSecrets #Review @Author_Dave @ViperBooks

Something scared Nuala Flaherty to death… #WhereDemonsHide #review @nholten40 @DouglasSkelton1 @PolygonBooks

Something scared Nuala Flaherty to death. When her body is found in the centre of a pentagram on a lonely moor, Rebecca is determined to find out what. Was she killed by supernatural means, or is there a more down-to-earth Continue reading Something scared Nuala Flaherty to death… #WhereDemonsHide #review @nholten40 @DouglasSkelton1 @PolygonBooks

Chilling thrillers! #RapidReviews2022 #DeadGround #TheLifeSheWants #ARattleOfBones @nholten40

Today I’m sharing three rapid reviews of thrillers that will chill you to the core! I’ll be doing more in depth video reviews on my tiktok account 👉🏻 @author_noelleholten of all my rapid reviews, so follow me there.   The Continue reading Chilling thrillers! #RapidReviews2022 #DeadGround #TheLifeSheWants #ARattleOfBones @nholten40

Who doesn’t love a good police procedural? @nholten40 #RapidReviews2022 #BuryMeWhenImDead #WishYouWereDead #DeathRite

I’m a sucker for a good police procedural so I’m sharing three rapid reviews of some great ones I’ve read!   I instantly felt the tension from the opening lines of Bury Me When I’m Dead and knew that this Continue reading Who doesn’t love a good police procedural? @nholten40 #RapidReviews2022 #BuryMeWhenImDead #WishYouWereDead #DeathRite

Playing catch up! #RapidReviews2022 #TheLastResort #TheLongDrop #CityOfVengeance @nholten40

I’m ashamed at how far behind I’ve fallen on posting reviews, despite reading a shitload of books. The only way I’m going to get caught up is by sharing smaller reviews about why I loved a book – so that’s Continue reading Playing catch up! #RapidReviews2022 #TheLastResort #TheLongDrop #CityOfVengeance @nholten40

What’s a #FoodieBag? #PaperBagCo #Review @nholten40 @PaperBagCo

A little something different on my blog today but stick with me as I’m thinking of doing some food/book/reading related posts and this bag of goodies is going to be really handy in the future! My thanks to Rose Metcafe Continue reading What’s a #FoodieBag? #PaperBagCo #Review @nholten40 @PaperBagCo

#CallMeMummy. It’ll be better if you do. #review @nholten40 @TinaBakerBooks @ViperBooks

CALL ME MUMMY. IT’LL BE BETTER IF YOU DO. Glamorous, beautiful Mummy has everything a woman could want. Except for a daughter of her very own. So when she sees Kim – heavily pregnant, glued to her phone and ignoring Continue reading #CallMeMummy. It’ll be better if you do. #review @nholten40 @TinaBakerBooks @ViperBooks

CATCH A KILLER OR FRAME A SUSPECT… #FoulPlay #FaceCrime #Review @foulplaygamers @afterdarkmurder @nholten40 @sbairden

This is not a typical review – no book involved – but still crime! That’s right – there was a murder and it was up to my #partnerincrime Sharon Bairden and I to put our murderous minds and sleuthing skills Continue reading CATCH A KILLER OR FRAME A SUSPECT… #FoulPlay #FaceCrime #Review @foulplaygamers @afterdarkmurder @nholten40 @sbairden

What a cast! What a show! #WhatACarveUp 5 ⭐️ #Review @nholten40 @CarveUpUK @jonathancoe @FillouxPastry @theBarnTheatre @thelbt @NewWolsey

I don’t generally review films, plays or shows on my blog – but this is more of an online event and I enjoyed it more than I expected I would. First, here’s a little but about WHAT A CARVE UP Continue reading What a cast! What a show! #WhatACarveUp 5 ⭐️ #Review @nholten40 @CarveUpUK @jonathancoe @FillouxPastry @theBarnTheatre @thelbt @NewWolsey