OMG! How Exciting Is This! NOIRELAND International Crime Fiction Festival will be returning in March 2019. @nholten40 @angelaontour @NOIRElandfest

When I get a press release from the fabulous Angela McMahon, I always get excited. And I wasn’t wrong – because today it seems the news that NOIREland will be back in 2019 is abound! Woohoo! Check out the details Continue reading OMG! How Exciting Is This! NOIRELAND International Crime Fiction Festival will be returning in March 2019. @nholten40 @angelaontour @NOIRElandfest

Are You Ready for NOIRELAND? @angelaontour @nholten40 @NOIRELANDFest

I am absolutely thrilled to be able to share in the announcement of a new crime fiction festival which takes place in Belfast Friday 27 – Sunday 29 October, 2017. NOIRELAND International Crime Fiction Festival is getting off to an incredible Continue reading Are You Ready for NOIRELAND? @angelaontour @nholten40 @NOIRELANDFest