The most dangerous place is inside your own head… #InsideTheWhispers @nholten @AJWaines @Bloodhoundbook

Absolutely over the moon to be one of the stops on AJ Waines’ INSIDE THE WHISPERS blog tour today! Huge thanks to Bloodhound Books for inviting me to take part. A little but about the author and the book, before I tell you what I thought of it…

About the Author

AJ Waines is a number one bestselling author, topping the entire UK and Australian Kindle Charts in two consecutive years, with Girl on a Train. Following fifteen years as a psychotherapist, the author is now a full-time novelist with publishing deals in UK, France, Germany, Norway, Hungary and Canada (audio books).

Her fourth psychological thriller, No Longer Safe, sold over 30,000 copies in the first month, in thirteen countries. AJ Waines has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and The Times and has been ranked a Top 10 UK author on Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

She lives in Hampshire, UK, with her husband. Find her books here and visit her website and blog, or join her on Twitter, Facebook or on her Newsletter.

Her next thriller, Lost in the Lake, will be re-released by Bloodhound Books on 24 October 2018.

Author Social Media Links:









About the Book

The most dangerous place is inside your own head…

Dr Samantha Willerby, a specialist in Post Traumatic Stress, has never seen anything like this before. Following a fire on the London Underground, three survivors seek her help – but although unmistakably traumatised, their stories don’t match the facts. Are they ‘faking it’? Sam’s confusion turns to horror when one by one, instead of recovering, they are driven to suicide.

When her lover, Conrad, begins to suffer the same terrifying flashbacks, Sam is desperate to find out what’s causing them. As a mysterious and chilling conspiracy begins to unravel the nightmares begin for Sam…

*from Oct 31st 2016

Set in London, the main theme within this book is manipulation of the mind and how past trauma, broken trust, loss, relationships and distorting reality can be used to literally mess with a persons mind.

The storyline intrigued me from the start. Although I would not describe this as a fast-paced novel, it was gripping enough to keep me turning the pages and wanting more! There were a few strands placed within the main story that tied up just nicely at the end and added to the shockers revealed as the story unravelled.

This novel was rich with characters, each one bringing something original to the main storyline. A few stood out more than others and some of my faves included: Sam (the main character) because my feelings about her were mixed! At times she came across as strong and determined but then she kind of changed into an annoying and somewhat desperate individual who I wanted to scream “Just Say It!” at, for example, with her boyfriend Con. Maybe it was just me! ?

Mimi/Miranda: even at her worst, this character is likeable! She came across as lost but courageous; vicious but vulnerable and dishonest but trustworthy. How could that be!? I was desperate to know more about her story and although my suspicions were finally confirmed – it was still a moment that left me reeling. I mean, WTAF?

Con & Leo: Both of these characters, frankly, annoyed me! There was a desperation/clinginess to them both that left me with mixed feelings. Yet, their purpose within the pages made sense…so I tolerated them! Ha ha!

What I liked about this book was the way it held my interest and really showed me how easy it can be to mess with someone’s mind. And THAT #bookjunkies – is pretty damn scary! The story left me questioning people’s motives and intentions and seriously made me wonder about how easy people can be sucked into situations almost without their express consent. Yes…AJ Waines has blown my mind for a second time, thankfully not as badly as No Longer Safe….I still am recovering from that 10 months later but I am beginning to worry about this author and her background in Psychotherapy! Is she using it for good or evil!? ?

Do I recommend this book? Hell Yeah, I do! If you are looking for a psychological thriller that will disturb you, make you question people’s intentions and is full of pretty twisted OMFG moments,  grab yourself a copy today!

See what everyone else thinks by following the tour here: 

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