?Today Bookouture are celebrating the 500th Bookouture title!? #BloodBroken @nholten40 @bookouture @lindsayjpryor

Almost two years ago, I joined Bookouture as a PR & Social Media Manager and have been smiling ever since – and today, to be a part of celebrating their 500th title being published, is simply outstanding! It is so Continue reading ?Today Bookouture are celebrating the 500th Bookouture title!? #BloodBroken @nholten40 @bookouture @lindsayjpryor

Your darkest moment is your most vulnerable…#PerfectCrime #Extract #MiniReview @nholten40 @Helen_Fields @AvonBooksUK @sabah_K

Thrilled to be hosting Helen Field’s PERFECT CRIME blog tour today with an extract to capture your interest! Thanks to Sabah Khan and Avon for the invite and the ARC. First a little about the author and this book! About Continue reading Your darkest moment is your most vulnerable…#PerfectCrime #Extract #MiniReview @nholten40 @Helen_Fields @AvonBooksUK @sabah_K

THERE’S GOLD IN THEM THERE BOOKS! #PressRelease #ThomasHarris #CariMora @PenguinRHUK @GoldsboroBooks @nholten40

OMG! OMG! OMG!  Here’s something that is pretty exciting! Thanks to Charlotte Bush for the heads up!  Nationwide treasure hunt launched to find priceless, unique edition of long-awaited new book by the creator of Hannibal Lecter What you need to Continue reading THERE’S GOLD IN THEM THERE BOOKS! #PressRelease #ThomasHarris #CariMora @PenguinRHUK @GoldsboroBooks @nholten40

#PressRelease ? #LibraryConferenceMakingNoise ? @TheakstonsCrime @nholten40 @AnnCleeves @JP_Books @mariwriter

Whoop! Whoop! More exciting news coming your way from Harrogate, peeps! Check it out!  Inaugural Library Conference Makes Noise at Leading Festival One of the UK’s leading literary festivals is hosting an inaugural Library Conference. Up to 100 library professionals Continue reading #PressRelease ? #LibraryConferenceMakingNoise ? @TheakstonsCrime @nholten40 @AnnCleeves @JP_Books @mariwriter

The truth is far more twisted… #Twisted #Review #ThisBookIsTwisted @nholten40 @SSCav @orion_crime @orionbooks @Tr4cyF3nt0n

Awwww yeah, baby! I am absolutely ✨BUZZING✨ to be closing down Steve Cavanagh’s TWISTED blog tour alongside my #twinnie – Chapter in my Life Huge thanks to Tracy Fenton and Orion for the invite – I purchased this book the Continue reading The truth is far more twisted… #Twisted #Review #ThisBookIsTwisted @nholten40 @SSCav @orion_crime @orionbooks @Tr4cyF3nt0n

Exciting #CoverReveal for @RachelAmphlett #TheFriendWhoLied @nholten40 @BOTBSPublicity

Sooooo excited to be involved in sharing the cover for Rachel Amphlett’s THE FRIEND WHO LIED and I can’t wait to take part in the blog tour for this! First up though, a bit about Rachel and this book! About Continue reading Exciting #CoverReveal for @RachelAmphlett #TheFriendWhoLied @nholten40 @BOTBSPublicity

Would you lie to your family to protect yourself? #TheParamedicsDaughter #Review @nholten40 @taralyonsauthor @Bloodhoundbook

Over-the-moon to be hosting Tara Lyons’ THE PARAMEDIC’S DAUGHTER blog tour today! My thanks to the author and Bloodhound Books for the invite and ARC. Before I share my review, let’s find out a little more about the author and Continue reading Would you lie to your family to protect yourself? #TheParamedicsDaughter #Review @nholten40 @taralyonsauthor @Bloodhoundbook

It’s a thin line between love and murder… #ABeautifulCorpse #Review @nholten40 @CJ_Daugherty @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @HarperCollinsUK

A tense new thriller, perfect for fans of Clare Mackintosh, Cara Hunter and Lisa Jewell A murder that shocks a city…  Shots ring out on one of Savannah’s most famous streets. A beautiful law student lies dead. A case full Continue reading It’s a thin line between love and murder… #ABeautifulCorpse #Review @nholten40 @CJ_Daugherty @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @HarperCollinsUK

So… what’s been happening⁉️ #Events #GoodFriends #Books #Writing #Bloggers #OrendaRoadshow #CrimeAndPublishment #TwistedLaunch @nholten40

Today I thought I do a bit of a round-up / catch up of what has been happening since January. I’ve not had much time for blogging ? BUT I had been writing and finished/submitted my second novel ?say whaaaaat Continue reading So… what’s been happening⁉️ #Events #GoodFriends #Books #Writing #Bloggers #OrendaRoadshow #CrimeAndPublishment #TwistedLaunch @nholten40

?BOOM!? BLOODY SCOTLAND LAUNCHES 2019 PROGRAMME WITH A SPECIAL EVENT WITH VAL McDERMID! @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @valmcdermid @Brownlee_Donald

Just when you think it couldn’t get any better, Bloody Scotland announce this… After launching the 2018 Bloody Scotland programme with a hugely popular one-off event by Alexander McCall Smith, Director, Bob McDevitt has done it again and secured Val McDermid Continue reading ?BOOM!? BLOODY SCOTLAND LAUNCHES 2019 PROGRAMME WITH A SPECIAL EVENT WITH VAL McDERMID! @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @valmcdermid @Brownlee_Donald

Connor is drawn into a race against time to stop another murder… #NoMansLand #Review @nholten40 @NlBro @LittleBrownUK @TheCrimeVault

War is coming to No-Man’s Land, and Connor Fraser will be ready. A mutilated body is found dumped at Cowane’s Hospital in the heart of historic Stirling. For DCI Malcolm Ford it’s like nothing he’s ever seen before, the savagery Continue reading Connor is drawn into a race against time to stop another murder… #NoMansLand #Review @nholten40 @NlBro @LittleBrownUK @TheCrimeVault

She’s taking her life back, one step at a time… #AmazingGrace #Review @nholten40 @KimTheBookworm @HeraBooks @rararesources

OMG! OMG! OMG! To say I’m excited to be hosting Kim Nash‘s Amazing Grace blog tour today would be a friggin understatement! I can’t put into words how THRILLED I am. Huge thanks to Kim Nash, Rachel’s Random Resources and Continue reading She’s taking her life back, one step at a time… #AmazingGrace #Review @nholten40 @KimTheBookworm @HeraBooks @rararesources

Conspiracy. Serial Killers. Thriller. The truth will out… #DeadlySecrets #Review @nholten40 @GFBickerstaff @ADPase @BOTBSPublicity

I’m thrilled to be hosting Gordon Bickerstaff‘s Deadly Secrets blog tour today. Huge thanks to Sarah of Book on the Bright Side Publicity for the invite and the author for the ARC. Before I share my review, let’s find out Continue reading Conspiracy. Serial Killers. Thriller. The truth will out… #DeadlySecrets #Review @nholten40 @GFBickerstaff @ADPase @BOTBSPublicity

Woohoo!! #PressRelease Final call for entries for the #McIlvanneyPrize for Crime Fiction and the NEW #debutprize for crime fiction AND revealing the debut authors selected for @Alexincrimeland New Crimes @nholten40 @BloodyScotland

I’m delighted to once again be a Bloody Scotland reader this year – what an honour! And here is a reminder and some exciting news to share about the prizes up for grabs and what they are all about! Final Continue reading Woohoo!! #PressRelease Final call for entries for the #McIlvanneyPrize for Crime Fiction and the NEW #debutprize for crime fiction AND revealing the debut authors selected for @Alexincrimeland New Crimes @nholten40 @BloodyScotland

How do you dispose of a body? #Guestpost #CloseToTheEdge #debut @Toby_Faber @MuswellPress @nholten40

I’m absolutely delighted to be kicking off Toby Faber’s debut thriller blog tour for Close to the Edge. My thanks to Tim Donald and Muswell Press for the ARC – can’t wait to read / review it! In the mean time, Continue reading How do you dispose of a body? #Guestpost #CloseToTheEdge #debut @Toby_Faber @MuswellPress @nholten40