EVERYONE HAS SECRETS. NOBODY IS INNOCENT. #InAHouseOfLies #Review @orionbooks @orion_crime @nholten40 @Beathhigh @BloodyScotland

OMG YAY! I’m a little bit excited today for a few reasons! I’ll be on my way shortly to Bloody Scotland crime festival in Stirling to catch up with my #partnersincrime while we #fangirl/boy over our favourite crime writers. I’m Continue reading EVERYONE HAS SECRETS. NOBODY IS INNOCENT. #InAHouseOfLies #Review @orionbooks @orion_crime @nholten40 @Beathhigh @BloodyScotland

Rhona MacLeod returns to her roots on Scotland’s Isle of Skye… #TimefortheDead #Review @nholten40 @Lin_Anderson @Blazespage @MorecambeVice @BOTBSPublicity

Absolutely delighted to be sharing my review of Lin Anderson’s TIME FOR THE DEAD as part of the Morecambe & Vice blog tour organised by Book on the Bright Side Publicity. I am thrilled to be interviewing Lin on stage Continue reading Rhona MacLeod returns to her roots on Scotland’s Isle of Skye… #TimefortheDead #Review @nholten40 @Lin_Anderson @Blazespage @MorecambeVice @BOTBSPublicity

If only someone had listened… #TheQuietOnes #Review @nholten40 @Theresa_Talbot @aria_fiction

Woohoo! Delighted to be sharing my review of Theresa Talbot’s THE QUIET ONES as part of the blog tour. My thanks to Aria Fiction via Netgalley for an ARC of this book. First though, let’s find out a bit about Continue reading If only someone had listened… #TheQuietOnes #Review @nholten40 @Theresa_Talbot @aria_fiction

One very anti-social and unexpected anti-hero… #TheIntrovert #Review @nholten40 @MichaelPMichaud @BOTBSPublicity

I first read this novella in 2016 and was delighted when Sarah from Book on the Bright Side Publicity approached me and asked  if I would re-post my review for the blog tour! As I enjoyed this quirky, dark novella Continue reading One very anti-social and unexpected anti-hero… #TheIntrovert #Review @nholten40 @MichaelPMichaud @BOTBSPublicity

??#PressRelease #FourFinalistsRevealed #McIlvanneyPrize @nholten40 @BloodyScotland

In case you missed the announcement from earlier today, I’m so excited to share the short-list for the McIlvanney Prize 2019! Keep reading to find out more:   THE FOUR FINALISTS ARE REVEALED FOR THE McILVANNEY PRIZE SCOTTISH CRIME BOOK Continue reading ??#PressRelease #FourFinalistsRevealed #McIlvanneyPrize @nholten40 @BloodyScotland

They Hid The Body. They Kept The Secret. But What Was… #TheFirstLie #PromoPost @nholten40 @AJParkauthor @rararesources @orion_crime

Absolutely delighted to be taking part in A.J. Park (aka Karl Vadaszffy) promo blitz for The First Lie which was published by Orion in ebook on June 13th 2019 and will be out in paperback in March 2020! Huge thanks Continue reading They Hid The Body. They Kept The Secret. But What Was… #TheFirstLie #PromoPost @nholten40 @AJParkauthor @rararesources @orion_crime

What’s Happened & What’s Happening… #Highlights @nholten40 @ButeNoir @PrintPoint97 @WaterstonesGla @MorecambeVice @BloodyScotland @0neMoreChapter_ @the_cwa @thrillerwriters

What better way to kick off a new month than to have a look back at some of the highlights of the summer and look ahead at some of the things I’m super excited about in the next few weeks! Continue reading What’s Happened & What’s Happening… #Highlights @nholten40 @ButeNoir @PrintPoint97 @WaterstonesGla @MorecambeVice @BloodyScotland @0neMoreChapter_ @the_cwa @thrillerwriters

#ADeadlyConvergence #ExclusiveNewStory #ComingSoon #PressRelease @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @Beathhigh @valmcdermid @cbrookmyre @louisewelsh00 @Brownlee_Donald

More exciting news coming your way from Bloody Scotland today! Check out the latest press release here: Four of Scotland’s bestselling crime writers are pooling their talents to write their first joint short story together, ahead of this month’s Bloody Continue reading #ADeadlyConvergence #ExclusiveNewStory #ComingSoon #PressRelease @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @Beathhigh @valmcdermid @cbrookmyre @louisewelsh00 @Brownlee_Donald

Way out west, in the tumbling greens of England, something’s going down… #FatBoy #Feature #Indie @nholten40

Today I am delighted to feature #indie author JOSEPH COBB as he tells us a bit about his novel FAT BOY! A bit about the author and the book first though… About the Author  Joseph Cobb was born at Chase Continue reading Way out west, in the tumbling greens of England, something’s going down… #FatBoy #Feature #Indie @nholten40

Is she the murderer, or the victim? #TheVerdict #review @oisaachenry @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

A cheating wife. An estranged mother. But is she guilty of murder? Please raise your right hand. An affair at work has cost Julia Winter her job and her marriage. There’s no denying she has let her family down. Please Continue reading Is she the murderer, or the victim? #TheVerdict #review @oisaachenry @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

Jackie Shaw is dragged into the hunt for a terrifying serial killer in… #DryRiver #guestpost #feature @JohnSte_author @nholten40 @BOTBSPublicity @silvertailbooks

Delighted to be hosting John Steele today on my blog as part of the DRY RIVER blog tour. My thanks to Sarah of Book on the Bright Side Publicity for the invite and organising the feature post. First let’s find Continue reading Jackie Shaw is dragged into the hunt for a terrifying serial killer in… #DryRiver #guestpost #feature @JohnSte_author @nholten40 @BOTBSPublicity @silvertailbooks

2019 The Year of Making Dreams Come True! @BloodyScotland Reveals their #CrimeInTheSpotlight Writers and I am one of them!! @nholten40 @Beathhigh @NicolaSturgeon @the_cwa @thrillerwriters @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @fictionpubteam

This was me – literally – when I found out the news…and what’s that news?? Read the press release from Bloody Scotland to find out because I am still pinching myself… BLOODY SCOTLAND REVEALS THEIR ‘CRIME IN THE SPOTLIGHT’ WRITERS Continue reading 2019 The Year of Making Dreams Come True! @BloodyScotland Reveals their #CrimeInTheSpotlight Writers and I am one of them!! @nholten40 @Beathhigh @NicolaSturgeon @the_cwa @thrillerwriters @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @fictionpubteam

Could one of Tonya’s catty friends be her killer? #DivorceIsMurder #ElkaRay #AuthorGuestPost #publicationday #Feature @nholten40 @ElkaRay @SeventhStBooks

Happy Publication Day! Today I have a #guestpost from author Elka Ray! Her latest publication, Divorce is Murder is out today! First let’s find out a bit about the author and her book before I share with you her post Continue reading Could one of Tonya’s catty friends be her killer? #DivorceIsMurder #ElkaRay #AuthorGuestPost #publicationday #Feature @nholten40 @ElkaRay @SeventhStBooks

Sometimes you can’t forgive and forget… #TheDeathOfJessicaRipley #CSIEddieCollins #Book5 #Review @nholten40 @AndrewBarrettUK

He’s acidic and twisted; a prince of sarcasm who hates people. Not ideal qualities in a CSI. But what CSI Eddie Collins lacks in people skills, he more than makes up for in crime scene expertise. But this time, Eddie Continue reading Sometimes you can’t forgive and forget… #TheDeathOfJessicaRipley #CSIEddieCollins #Book5 #Review @nholten40 @AndrewBarrettUK

Emma and Leslie learn more than they ever wanted to know about the reasons people kill… ? #DeathByDiploma #AuthorGuestPost #feature @nholten40 @kelkay1202

Delighted to have author Kelley Kaye (Bowles) on my blog today with a feature about her book Death by Diploma. Kelley has kindly written a great guest post where she interviews one of the characters in her book! A bit Continue reading Emma and Leslie learn more than they ever wanted to know about the reasons people kill… ? #DeathByDiploma #AuthorGuestPost #feature @nholten40 @kelkay1202