All Through The Night ~Review~



“It’s quite simple Mr Ellington. When you find Fowler, just ask where we can find the truth.”

With these words, private detective JT Ellington embarks on a seemingly simple case of tracking down a local GP with a dubious reputation and retrieving a set of stolen documents from him.

For Ellington, however, things are rarely straightforward. Dr Fowler is hiding a terrible secret and when he is gunned down outside a Bristol pub, his dying words send JT in pursuit of a truth more disturbing and deadly than he could possibly have imagined.

My Rating: 5/5

My Review:

I was given an ARC of this book by the author via Black & White Publishing, in exchange for an honest review.

Ok #bookjunkies…I am just going to get it out of the way…WOW WOW WOW what a book!!  I have to admit, when the author contacted me and asked if I would review his book, I agreed…but thought it would probably sit on Mount TBR for a wee while before I got a chance to read it.  He shared that he also was a Probation Officer, allthough he left a good few years ago …so I bumped it up the list…because that is what we do! Probation Officers stick together -it is a rule!  And OMFG I am so glad I did!  This book was superb!!

All Through The Night is the second in the JT Ellington Triliogy.  Although I now have Heartman, Book 1, I think this book can easily be read as a stand-alone.

The book starts with a #KillerHook that left me desperate to find out more.  I love when that happens!!  The story-line has the reader on a tight-rope…walking carefully through each chapter, holding your breath, until you reach the very end.  It is one of those books where you are not clear where the story is going initially, but there is no way you are not going to hold on tight and enjoy the ride!

Corruption, a troubled past, justice and an overwhelming sense of good overcoming evil are just a few of the themes which draw the reader in.  Set in the 1960’s there were times that it also had a 1940’s feel to it — with the main character, JT Ellington being the type of Private Investigator you could easily picture sitting in a bar, cigarette dangling out of his mouth as he tried to piece together the missing link in the case he was on.  Except JT would find that difficult in the 1940’s as well as the 1960’s — being black, an immigrant from Barbados, living in Bristol, UK where racism was the norm.

The characters were written beautifully.  Likeable, real, and heart-warming JT Ellington himself oozes coolness.  Truth is wonderful!  The relationship/bond between Truth and JT is flawless.  Thrown together by Ida Stephens, a horrible and manipulative woman, the pair form an immediate bond which leads the reader breathless as we follow their frantic trek to escape the reach of those set out to stop them.  I also was drawn to Vic, JT’s cousin –a likeable rogue and Loretta – OMG adored her!!

It was a roller coaster of emotions reading this book.  With a gripping pace, twists/unexpected turns and a fast and furious story-line I highly recommend you grab yourself a copy and become addicted to this series!!

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