From war tales that will break your heart, to gritty Christmas crimes that will shake you to your core, and heart-warming tales of love lost and found… #WhenStarsWillShine #PublicationDay #Review @nholten40 @emmamitchellfpr

When Stars Will Shine is a collection of short stories from your favourite authors who have come together to deliver you a Christmas read with a twist.

With true war tales that will break your heart, gritty Christmas crimes that will shake you to your core, and heart-warming tales of love lost and found, this anthology has something for everyone. And, with every penny made being sent to support our troops, you can rest assured that you’re helping our heroes, one page at a time.

From authors such as Louise Jensen, Graham Smith, Malcolm Hollingdrake, Lucy Cameron, Val Portelli, and Alex Kane, you are in for one heck of a ride!

When Stars Will Shine is the perfect Christmas gift for the bookworms in your life!

Fredrick Snellgrove, Private 23208 by Rob Ashman
Four Seasons by Robert Scragg
The Close Encounter by Gordon Bickerstaff
Believe by Mark Brownless
What Can Possibly Go Wrong? by Lucy Cameron
Mountain Dew by Paul T Campbell
The Art of War and Peace by John Carson
A Gift for Christmas by Kris Egleton
Free Time by Stewart Giles
Died of Wounds by Malcolm Hollingdrake
The Christmas Killer by Louise Jensen
The Village Hotel by Alex Kane
A Present of Presence by Hr Kemp
The Invitation by Billy McLaughlin
Brothers Forever by Paul Moore
Girl in a Red Shirt by Owen Mullen
Pivotal Moments by Anna Osborne
Uncle Christmas by Val Portelli
Time for a Barbeque by Carmen Radtke
Christmas Present by Lexi Rees
Inside Out by KA Richardson
Penance by Jane Risdon
New Year’s Resolution by Robert Scragg
Family Time by Graham Smith

Wow! Wow! Wow! I am a big sucker for short story anthologies – I love them because you can dip in and out and they are great for those moments when you just want a quick fix. Saying that, I enjoyed this anthology so much, I read it in a matter of hours. With stories that will reach out to all readers because it is a varied mix of genres, it is not only a great stocking (kindle) stuffer – you can GIFT kindle books now, you know! It also is a charity anthology where all money will go towards helping those unsung heroes!

I enjoyed some stories more than others, mainly because of the genre (crime) but each had an interesting twist or two that kept me turning the pages. I have a few favourites too, but I am going to keep those to myself as I think it wouldn’t be fair to name them – all the stories were great – just some spoke to me or interested me more than others. I’ll let you be the judge – as I am sure dear reader, you will find a fair few gems. What I really  loved about this anthology was the fact that I finally got a chance to read something  from authors I have followed as well as totally  new authors to me. It was a great showcase of pure talent!

My final thoughts: Would I recommend this read? You bet your Christmas baubles I would! When Stars Will Shine is an anthology packed with twists, emotions and compelling tales to keep readers turning the pages – all the chills and Christmassy thrills to hook you in! Highly recommended!’

2 Replies to “From war tales that will break your heart, to gritty Christmas crimes that will shake you to your core, and heart-warming tales of love lost and found… #WhenStarsWillShine #PublicationDay #Review @nholten40 @emmamitchellfpr”

  1. Wow, thanks so much for such a fab shout out and so glad you enjoyed it., So many wonderful stories to dip in and out of. As a crime writer I am excited there are so many to enjoy. Thanks. Have a great month.