The Killing Game: Claire Knight *Guest Review*

My guest reviewer, Claire Knight, has sent me a fantabulous review of J.S. Carol’s The Killing Game. I absolutely LOVED this book and you can find my review here. No long intro needed, let’s just get stuck in!



Imagine you are having lunch at an exclusive restaurant, filled with Hollywood’s hottest stars.
And a masked gunman walks in and takes everyone hostage.
You must bargain for your life against a twisted individual who knows everything about you.
He also has a bomb set to detonate if his heart rate changes.
If he dies. You die.
You have four hours to stay alive.
What would you do?

Claire’s Rating: 5/5

Claire’s Review: 

How can an innocent business lunch turn into a three hour nightmare? Take a group of Hollywood people-to-know and throw in a bomber on a mission, what that mission is -is down to him…

The main character JJ is a fixer. What’s a fixer I hear you cry! Well if I hadn’t watch the US show Scandal, I wouldn’t have known either. A fixer sorts things out, covers up scandals, puts a spin on exposed situations people in the public eye don’t want in the public domain. They hide in the background, out of the limelight, just a phone call away.

“If anyone came up with a cure for stupidity, she’d be out of business”

The author’s descriptions are brilliant! You don’t realise how much is there as you read. I had great image of Alfie’s restaurant, lots of clean lines, understated sophistication.

This book is so fast paced, I really did not want to put it down. When Kim at Bookouture sent it through, I read the first chapter to see and didn’t stop other than real life in the form of two boys demanding attention.

I didn’t realise I was holding my breath as the story climaxed through hour 3 and by the end of it, my heart was pounding! This book would translate perfectly to the big screen!

I haven’t read any James Carol novels before despite having a couple of the Jefferson Winter books on my Kindle. Saying that The Killing Game was a fantastic book to pop my James Carol cherry.

Massive thanks to Kim Nash at Bookouture for sending me an advanced copy of The Killing Game to read.

I think it is safe to say….she liked it! A lot!  If this sounds like the type of explosive read you are looking for, click the link below!

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