The Cops of Manchester ~Review~



Ever fancied being a cop?

Could you handle the pressure of hunting down a vigilante who’s killing criminals at a ferocious rate? Consider how you would deliver a death message to a distraught parent. Would you protect the public by tailing a gangster’s vehicle, knowing the occupants were armed? Or follow a suspect into a dark alley? How would years of dealing with society’s appalling, and often violent, underbelly affect you? And, does anyone really like a bent cop?

Love them or loathe them, cops run toward danger as everyone else flees.

My Rating: 5/5

My Review:

Now THIS is what I am talking about #bookjunkies!  What a superb collection of short stories by Col Bury.  Having just finished Manchester 6, by this author, I decided that I wanted a wee bit more and downloaded this little gem!

I devoured this book in a relatively short period of time.  The author gives you a look at the life of Manchester Police Officers from different points of view -the newbie, the newlywed cop couple, the desperate, the angry ~ well you get my meaning!

The author has a great way of using language to really give you a feel for the personalities of each character.  Some you are drawn to immediately, some you start out liking but not-so-much by the end and then there were those that utterly turn your stomach!

The main themes throughout were varied – such as: all is not what is seems, when the “good” become the bad, the past repeating itself to name but a few.  The plot lines were action packed and thrilling –boom, boom and kaboom!  The intensity of some of the stories was absolutely gripping!  I was literally on the edge of my seat.

I think I loved pretty much every one of the stories in this book, but particularly cringe-worthy was Eyes Wide Shut  and The Writing on The Wall.  Again there was a Martina Cole-ish gangland feel in Eyes Wide Shut  and you almost feel sorry for the main character, but holy-bloody-hell….the ending…wow!  Just wow!

For me, in The Writing on The Wall there was a distinct horror element which ranked right up there with the likes of Dean Koontz. I shuddered…I am still shuddering….and I wish that story was a little longer…as in a full length book!  Hats off to you Mr Bury for that one!  Although short and not-so-sweet, it really packed a punch!

And you are in for a real treat with the last story…but I will leave that for you to find out about for yourself.  The Author’s Notes are also well worth the read and give a little background on how each story came about.

What are you waiting for peeps!?  Click the link and grab yourself a copy of this fine piece of literature!  But don’t read it on a full stomach and make sure you have a bath ready…as you will feel dirty…Grit Lit at is finest!

[amazon template=iframe image&asin=B00BP3WWX4]


4 Replies to “The Cops of Manchester ~Review~”

  1. Pingback: Top Reads of 2016 – Part 1 – CrimeBookJunkie

  2. Pingback: Partners In Crime: Forum of Fury and Eyes Wide Shut by Col Bury – CrimeBookJunkie

  3. Really pleased that you enjoyed it so much. I have considered ‘The Writing on the Wall’ as an opening to a novel. One day, eh? 😉

    Thanks for such a crackin’ review!