There’s a killer inside all of us… #TheAlarmButton #Audio #Impostor #New #DrAlexanderGregorySeries @nholten40 @wfhowes @ljross_author and @princolour

Eeeeeek! I am absolutely BUZZING to be a part of LJ Ross’ IMPOSTOR blog tour and thrilled to be bringing you all the FINAL audio clip titled The Alarm Button narrated by Hugh Dancy, British actor and star of the Continue reading There’s a killer inside all of us… #TheAlarmButton #Audio #Impostor #New #DrAlexanderGregorySeries @nholten40 @wfhowes @ljross_author and @princolour

Every Wednesday, like clockwork, the terror returns. #IWillMakeYouPay #QandA @nholten40 @teresadriscoll @amazonpub @ed_pr

Thrilled to be hosting Teresa Driscoll’s I WILL MAKE YOU PAY blog tour today! I have a Q & A with the author and I’d like to thank Megan, Publicity Assistant from ed public relations for the invite and ARC which I Continue reading Every Wednesday, like clockwork, the terror returns. #IWillMakeYouPay #QandA @nholten40 @teresadriscoll @amazonpub @ed_pr

And in the absence of truth, in the absence of a miracle, we turn to prayer. And to violence. #InTheAbsenceOfMiracles #Review @nholten40 @michaelJmalone1 @OrendaBooks @annecater

OMG!  OMG! OMG! I am absolutely DELIGHTED to be sharing my review for Michael J Malone’s IN THE ABSENCE OF MIRACLES today as part of the blog tour. Huge thanks to Anne Cater/Random Things Tours and Orenda for the invite Continue reading And in the absence of truth, in the absence of a miracle, we turn to prayer. And to violence. #InTheAbsenceOfMiracles #Review @nholten40 @michaelJmalone1 @OrendaBooks @annecater

EVERYONE HAS SECRETS. NOBODY IS INNOCENT. #InAHouseOfLies #Review @orionbooks @orion_crime @nholten40 @Beathhigh @BloodyScotland

OMG YAY! I’m a little bit excited today for a few reasons! I’ll be on my way shortly to Bloody Scotland crime festival in Stirling to catch up with my #partnersincrime while we #fangirl/boy over our favourite crime writers. I’m Continue reading EVERYONE HAS SECRETS. NOBODY IS INNOCENT. #InAHouseOfLies #Review @orionbooks @orion_crime @nholten40 @Beathhigh @BloodyScotland

If only someone had listened… #TheQuietOnes #Review @nholten40 @Theresa_Talbot @aria_fiction

Woohoo! Delighted to be sharing my review of Theresa Talbot’s THE QUIET ONES as part of the blog tour. My thanks to Aria Fiction via Netgalley for an ARC of this book. First though, let’s find out a bit about Continue reading If only someone had listened… #TheQuietOnes #Review @nholten40 @Theresa_Talbot @aria_fiction

They Hid The Body. They Kept The Secret. But What Was… #TheFirstLie #PromoPost @nholten40 @AJParkauthor @rararesources @orion_crime

Absolutely delighted to be taking part in A.J. Park (aka Karl Vadaszffy) promo blitz for The First Lie which was published by Orion in ebook on June 13th 2019 and will be out in paperback in March 2020! Huge thanks Continue reading They Hid The Body. They Kept The Secret. But What Was… #TheFirstLie #PromoPost @nholten40 @AJParkauthor @rararesources @orion_crime

Is she the murderer, or the victim? #TheVerdict #review @oisaachenry @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

A cheating wife. An estranged mother. But is she guilty of murder? Please raise your right hand. An affair at work has cost Julia Winter her job and her marriage. There’s no denying she has let her family down. Please Continue reading Is she the murderer, or the victim? #TheVerdict #review @oisaachenry @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

Sometimes you can’t forgive and forget… #TheDeathOfJessicaRipley #CSIEddieCollins #Book5 #Review @nholten40 @AndrewBarrettUK

He’s acidic and twisted; a prince of sarcasm who hates people. Not ideal qualities in a CSI. But what CSI Eddie Collins lacks in people skills, he more than makes up for in crime scene expertise. But this time, Eddie Continue reading Sometimes you can’t forgive and forget… #TheDeathOfJessicaRipley #CSIEddieCollins #Book5 #Review @nholten40 @AndrewBarrettUK

Saying farewell to the dark side doesn’t mean the dark side wants rid of you…#ASinnersPrayer #Review @nholten40 @EllingtonWright @TheAgentPhil @bwpublishing

I’m absolutely delighted on the one hand to be hosting M.P. Wright’s A Sinner’s Prayer blog tour today but also gutted that it is the last in the fantastic series! A massive thanks to the author – who has always Continue reading Saying farewell to the dark side doesn’t mean the dark side wants rid of you…#ASinnersPrayer #Review @nholten40 @EllingtonWright @TheAgentPhil @bwpublishing

Their darkest secrets won’t stay buried forever… #TruthOrDie #Review #Extract @nholten40 @TheVenomousPen @AvonBooksUK @Sabah_K

Oh my days! I’m thrilled to bits to be a part of the amazing Katerina Diamond’s TRUTH OR DIE blog tour today! Huge thanks to Sabah Khan for the invite and Avon Books for the ARC. I also have an Continue reading Their darkest secrets won’t stay buried forever… #TruthOrDie #Review #Extract @nholten40 @TheVenomousPen @AvonBooksUK @Sabah_K

?Book News ?#CoverChange #DeadInside #DeadWrong #Reveals #BookLaunch #ThreeBookDeal #DCMaggieJamieson @nholten40 @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @0neMoreChapter_ @WaterstonesGla

I know that some of you have already seen this on amazon but I am just so excited, I thought an ‘official’ reveal would be nice to do! Once again, the fabulous Killer Reads team have surpassed my expectations and Continue reading ?Book News ?#CoverChange #DeadInside #DeadWrong #Reveals #BookLaunch #ThreeBookDeal #DCMaggieJamieson @nholten40 @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @0neMoreChapter_ @WaterstonesGla

She investigates missing persons—now she is one. #ThinAir #Review @nholten40 @lisagraywriter @AmazonPub @TheAgentPhil

She investigates missing persons—now she is one. Private investigator Jessica Shaw is used to getting anonymous tips. But after receiving a photo of a three-year-old kidnapped from Los Angeles twenty-five years ago, Jessica is stunned to recognize the little girl Continue reading She investigates missing persons—now she is one. #ThinAir #Review @nholten40 @lisagraywriter @AmazonPub @TheAgentPhil

What she doesn’t know might kill her… #TheFriendWhoLied #Review @nholten40 @RachelAmphlett @BOTBSPublicity

Can I get a hell yeah!? I am over the moon to be hosting Rachel Amphlett’s THE FRIEND WHO LIED blog tour today! Huge thanks to Sarah Hardy / Book on the Bright Side Publicity and the author for the Continue reading What she doesn’t know might kill her… #TheFriendWhoLied #Review @nholten40 @RachelAmphlett @BOTBSPublicity

Sometimes there are worse things to fear than ghosts… #Resthaven #audible #minireview @nholten40 @ErikTherme @audibleuk #LoveAudio

The last thing Kaylee wants to do is participate in a childish scavenger hunt – especially inside the abandoned retirement home on the edge of town. When she finds a bruised, deaf boy hiding inside one of the rooms, she Continue reading Sometimes there are worse things to fear than ghosts… #Resthaven #audible #minireview @nholten40 @ErikTherme @audibleuk #LoveAudio

After The Puppet Show, a new storm is coming . . .BOOM!? #BlackSummer #Review #WashingtonPoe @nholten40 @MWCravenUK @DHHlitagency @LittleBrownUK

Jared Keaton, chef to the stars. Charming. Charismatic. Psychopath . . . He’s currently serving a life sentence for the brutal murder of his daughter, Elizabeth. Her body was never found and Keaton was convicted largely on the testimony of Continue reading After The Puppet Show, a new storm is coming . . .BOOM!? #BlackSummer #Review #WashingtonPoe @nholten40 @MWCravenUK @DHHlitagency @LittleBrownUK