✨ Publication Day! ✨ #HisTruthHerTruth #NoelleHolten #OneMoreChapter

The day has finally arrived – my latest book, #HisTruthHerTruth is finally out and available to buy via al retailers. How am I spending the day? Mainly recuperating, as I’ve been ill, but I’ll be popping onto social media and Continue reading ✨ Publication Day! ✨ #HisTruthHerTruth #NoelleHolten #OneMoreChapter

Five Years On: Reflecting on Dead Inside #dcmaggiejamieson #OneMoreChapter

It’s surreal to think that it has been five years since Dead Inside hit the shelves, a book that marked the beginning of an unexpected journey into the world of crime writing for me… I went from avid reader/reviewer to Continue reading Five Years On: Reflecting on Dead Inside #dcmaggiejamieson #OneMoreChapter

Crafting Crime in association with Fiction Feedback ✍? #pressrelease @nholten40 @medwardsbooks @deawriter

? Hot off the presses! ? Crime Fiction Maestro Draws on Workshop Leadership to Create Home Study Course for Tomorrow’s Bestsellers Award-winning crime writer and popular workshop leader Martin Edwards has partnered with editorial consultancy Fiction Feedback to offer a Continue reading Crafting Crime in association with Fiction Feedback ✍? #pressrelease @nholten40 @medwardsbooks @deawriter

A Dead Good Giveaway & Cover Reveal News ?? #deadmercy? #giveaway #upcomingevents @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

You may have missed this if you’re not subscribed to my newsletter so I thought I’d post it here. In case you’re not subscribed to my newsletter… WHY NOT? (Kidding!! If you do want to subscribe, I don’t spam your Continue reading A Dead Good Giveaway & Cover Reveal News ?? #deadmercy? #giveaway #upcomingevents @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

What’s been happening? #MidMarchUpdate #RecommendedReads @nholten40

If you’re signed up to my newsletter, some of this is stuff you’ll have already read – but what wasn’t included, is what I’m curently doing in terms of my writing. So I guess this is an exclusive? ? Before Continue reading What’s been happening? #MidMarchUpdate #RecommendedReads @nholten40

Debut Dagger Competition 2021… #PressRelease @nholten40 @the_cwa @MWCravenUK

CWA Debut Dagger Writing Competition 2021 Opens for Entries Budding authors are invited to submit the opening of their novel to the coveted Crime Writers’ Association (CWA) Debut Dagger competition 2021. The international writing competition opens for entries on October Continue reading Debut Dagger Competition 2021… #PressRelease @nholten40 @the_cwa @MWCravenUK

I never thought THIS would happen… #DeadWrong has made the @guardian @GuardianBooks #NotTheBookerPrize 2020 long list! @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

It’s not everyday you get to see your name and book in The Guardian newspaper – but I have now!! I was surprised and absolutely OVER THE MOON to see that DEAD WRONG has been long-listed for the Not The Continue reading I never thought THIS would happen… #DeadWrong has made the @guardian @GuardianBooks #NotTheBookerPrize 2020 long list! @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

#BookNews #NewCover #Netgalley – DEAD WRONG @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter @BOTBSPublicity

Let the nail-biting commence! I am so excited to share the NEW COVER for book 2 in the #DCMaggieJamieson series – Dead Wrong which is out as an ebook on March 14th and May 14th in paperback – available for Continue reading #BookNews #NewCover #Netgalley – DEAD WRONG @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter @BOTBSPublicity

Abusive relationships – My Journey #BehindClosedDoors #DeadInside #DomesticAbuse @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @the_cwa @thrillerwriters

My debut novel Dead Inside was published by One More Chapter/Harper Collins UK this year (edited: 2019) – it tells the story of Lucy Sherwood, a Probation Officer who works with domestic abusers in a multi agency team by day, Continue reading Abusive relationships – My Journey #BehindClosedDoors #DeadInside #DomesticAbuse @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @KillerReads @fictionpubteam @the_cwa @thrillerwriters