✨ Publication Day! ✨ #HisTruthHerTruth #NoelleHolten #OneMoreChapter

The day has finally arrived – my latest book, #HisTruthHerTruth is finally out and available to buy via al retailers. How am I spending the day? Mainly recuperating, as I’ve been ill, but I’ll be popping onto social media and Continue reading ✨ Publication Day! ✨ #HisTruthHerTruth #NoelleHolten #OneMoreChapter

So I wrote another book… #HisTruthHerTruth #CoverReveal #ThrillerBookRecs #OneMoreChapter

Exciting ✨BOOK NEWS✨ I’ve just finished the FINAL edits and I thought it was probably time to share the cover for my next thriller, published by One More Chapter | HarperCollins UK in March 2025! So here it is… An Continue reading So I wrote another book… #HisTruthHerTruth #CoverReveal #ThrillerBookRecs #OneMoreChapter

🔊 ON OFFER! 🔊 Everyone has an agenda. Everyone has a secret. No one has an alibi… #6RipleyAvenue is only 99p #KMD #OneMoreChapter #UKOffer

Super excited to share the news that my first standalone novel #6RipleyAvenue is now only 99p in the UK as part of a kindle monthly deal! So for the month of October you can get my latest novel (ebook) for Continue reading 🔊 ON OFFER! 🔊 Everyone has an agenda. Everyone has a secret. No one has an alibi… #6RipleyAvenue is only 99p #KMD #OneMoreChapter #UKOffer

ONE HOUSE. EIGHT KILLERS. NO WITNESSES. #CoverReveal #6RipleyAvenue #pickupapageturner #NCRM @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

OMG! With June being National Crime Reading Month it seems fitting that my fabulous publisher has arranged for the cover of my next book to be revealed this month! I thought I’d share it again in case anyone missed it Continue reading ONE HOUSE. EIGHT KILLERS. NO WITNESSES. #CoverReveal #6RipleyAvenue #pickupapageturner #NCRM @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

A Dead Good Giveaway & Cover Reveal News ?? #deadmercy? #giveaway #upcomingevents @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

You may have missed this if you’re not subscribed to my newsletter so I thought I’d post it here. In case you’re not subscribed to my newsletter… WHY NOT? (Kidding!! If you do want to subscribe, I don’t spam your Continue reading A Dead Good Giveaway & Cover Reveal News ?? #deadmercy? #giveaway #upcomingevents @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_

When darkness envelops … #TheGatheringStorm #BookTrailer #Promo @nholten40 @alanjonesbooks

I’m excited to share a book trailer for one of my #partnersincrime who has written an epic historical trilogy that has been getting rave early reviews. The Gathering Storm: Book 1 in the Sturmtaucher Trilogy, a powerful and compelling story of Continue reading When darkness envelops … #TheGatheringStorm #BookTrailer #Promo @nholten40 @alanjonesbooks

A gripping World War II thriller (Spoils of War) #LastFlightToStalingrad #ExclusiveExtract @nholten40 @Seasidepicture @HoZ_Books

Today on the blog I have an exclusive extract from Graham Hurley’s Last Flight to Stalingrad. My thanks to Head of Zeus and publicist Angela Melamud. First how about we find out a little more about the author and the Continue reading A gripping World War II thriller (Spoils of War) #LastFlightToStalingrad #ExclusiveExtract @nholten40 @Seasidepicture @HoZ_Books

What’s been happening? #MidMarchUpdate #RecommendedReads @nholten40

If you’re signed up to my newsletter, some of this is stuff you’ll have already read – but what wasn’t included, is what I’m curently doing in terms of my writing. So I guess this is an exclusive? ? Before Continue reading What’s been happening? #MidMarchUpdate #RecommendedReads @nholten40

WHEN THE STORY ENDS, THE HUNT BEGINS . . . #TheWitchHunter #Extract @nholten40 @ed_pr @MaxSeeck @WelbeckPublish

Super excited to be taking part in Max Seeck’s #TheWitchHunter blog tour today! Huge thanks to Megan at Ed Public Relations and Welbeck Publish for the ARC and extract. I’m really looking forward to reading this novel and once you Continue reading WHEN THE STORY ENDS, THE HUNT BEGINS . . . #TheWitchHunter #Extract @nholten40 @ed_pr @MaxSeeck @WelbeckPublish

? FOUR FINALISTS FOR THE McILVANNEY PRIZE 2020 REVEALED ? #PressRelease @BloodyScotland @nholten40

In case you missed it earlier…?? Exciting news! The McIlvanney #finalists have been announced! ?? BLOODY SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL CRIME WRITING FESTIVAL REVEALS FOUR FINALISTS FOR THE McILVANNEY PRIZE 2020 sponsored by The Glencairn Glass with match funding from Culture & Continue reading ? FOUR FINALISTS FOR THE McILVANNEY PRIZE 2020 REVEALED ? #PressRelease @BloodyScotland @nholten40

I never thought THIS would happen… #DeadWrong has made the @guardian @GuardianBooks #NotTheBookerPrize 2020 long list! @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

It’s not everyday you get to see your name and book in The Guardian newspaper – but I have now!! I was surprised and absolutely OVER THE MOON to see that DEAD WRONG has been long-listed for the Not The Continue reading I never thought THIS would happen… #DeadWrong has made the @guardian @GuardianBooks #NotTheBookerPrize 2020 long list! @nholten40 @0neMoreChapter_ @HarperCollinsUK

Alice never meant to kill the intruder… #TheFirstLie #Spotlight #PBPublication #promo @AJParkauthor @nholten40 @RandomTours @orion_crime

Happy PAPERBACK Publication Day to A.J. Park and THE FIRST LIE!  Delighted to be able to #spotlight A.J. Park’s novel – The First Lie on my blog today! It’s on my TBR so when I get a chance to read Continue reading Alice never meant to kill the intruder… #TheFirstLie #Spotlight #PBPublication #promo @AJParkauthor @nholten40 @RandomTours @orion_crime

Looking for your next read? @0neMoreChapter_ #KindleMonthlyDeals – Get Downloading! @nholten40

My publisher, One More Chapter has secured some awesome #KindleMonthlyDeals across Amazon UK and US this month (April 2020) and I thought I’d share them with y’all so you can fill up your kindles and get reading! Of course, I’m Continue reading Looking for your next read? @0neMoreChapter_ #KindleMonthlyDeals – Get Downloading! @nholten40

One summer. One stranger. One killer… #TheHeatwave #CoverReveal @nholten40 @TheVenomousPen @AvonBooksUK

Well guess what I have to share with you all today! You may have already seen some heavy tweet activity but I thought I give y’all just a bit more to feast your eyes on! The absolutely awesome Katerina Diamond Continue reading One summer. One stranger. One killer… #TheHeatwave #CoverReveal @nholten40 @TheVenomousPen @AvonBooksUK

Nothing will ever be the same again . . . #TheCurator #CoverReveal #Exclusive @nholten40 @MWCravenUK @TheCrimeVault @LittleBrownUK @DHHlitagency

OMG! OMG! OH MY GOD!! I’m HUGELY excited to have the pleasure of an EXCLUSIVE cover reveal for one of the most highly anticipated novels of 2020! That’s right, peeps! Washington Poe is back in THE CURATOR! Massive thanks to Continue reading Nothing will ever be the same again . . . #TheCurator #CoverReveal #Exclusive @nholten40 @MWCravenUK @TheCrimeVault @LittleBrownUK @DHHlitagency