?…a young girl is found hanging in the woods… #HeartSwarm #Review @nholten40 @allanwatson12 @sarahhardy681 @BOTBSPublicity

Absolutely over-the-moon to re-post my review of Allan Watson’s HEART SWARM as part of the blog tour organised by the fabulous Sarah Hardy of #BookOnTheBrightsidePublicity. A little bit about Allan and this book before I share my review though… About Continue reading ?…a young girl is found hanging in the woods… #HeartSwarm #Review @nholten40 @allanwatson12 @sarahhardy681 @BOTBSPublicity

Sam Shephard… has to face the realisation that there is a killer in town. #Overkill #Review @nholten40 @vandasymon @OrendaBooks @annecater

Woohoo! I’m over-the-moon to be hosting Vanda Symon’s OVERKILL blog tour today! Massive thanks to Anne Cater and Orenda Books for the ARC and inviting me to take part! A little about the author and this book before I share Continue reading Sam Shephard… has to face the realisation that there is a killer in town. #Overkill #Review @nholten40 @vandasymon @OrendaBooks @annecater

A book launch with a difference! #TheHangingPsalm #Leeds @nholten40 @fictionfound @ChrisNickson2 @severnhouse

When I received an email from Founding Fiction for an invitation to step back into the world of 1820s Leeds in a treasure hunt for extracts from Chris Nickson’s new release ‘The Hanging Psalm’, I was immediately intrigued. Although I Continue reading A book launch with a difference! #TheHangingPsalm #Leeds @nholten40 @fictionfound @ChrisNickson2 @severnhouse

Caleb Zelic can’t hear you. But he can see everything. #AndFireCameDown #Review @nholten40 @EmmaViskic @PushkinPress

A SILENT SCREAM The woman can only sign two words: help… family. And then she is gone – a body lying dead in the street. A TOWN READY TO BURN Caleb’s search for her killer takes him back to his hometown Continue reading Caleb Zelic can’t hear you. But he can see everything. #AndFireCameDown #Review @nholten40 @EmmaViskic @PushkinPress

WOW! ? How would you live if you had no memories? #WhatWasLost #Review @nholten40 @JeanELevy @emily_glenister @DomePress

Whoop! Whoop! Happy Publication Day, Jean! I am thrilled to be kicking off the blog tour for Jean Levy’s debut novel, WHAT WAS LOST! Huge thanks to the awesome Emily Glenister and The Dome Press for inviting me to be Continue reading WOW! ? How would you live if you had no memories? #WhatWasLost #Review @nholten40 @JeanELevy @emily_glenister @DomePress

Denzil Meyrick #Q&A #TheRelentlessTide #DCIDaley #MeetTheAuthors @BloodyScotland @nholten40 @Brownlee_Donald @Lochlomonden @DouglasSkelton1 @NlBro @PolygonBooks @ko_dahl

I am over the moon to be taking part in the Bloody Scotland Blog Tour once again and this year, I have the pleasure of a Q&A with the fabulous DENZIL MEYRICK! I’ll tell you a little about Denzil first Continue reading Denzil Meyrick #Q&A #TheRelentlessTide #DCIDaley #MeetTheAuthors @BloodyScotland @nholten40 @Brownlee_Donald @Lochlomonden @DouglasSkelton1 @NlBro @PolygonBooks @ko_dahl

When silence falls, who will hear their cries? #PerfectSilence #GuestPost @nholten40 @Helen_Fields @Sabah_K @AvonBooksUK

Woohoo! it is my stop on Helen Fields’ PERFECT SILENCE blog tour and I’m over the moon to share with you all this fantastic #authorguestpost on creating characters – anyone who follows my blog, knows that I am obsessed with Continue reading When silence falls, who will hear their cries? #PerfectSilence #GuestPost @nholten40 @Helen_Fields @Sabah_K @AvonBooksUK

OMG! How Exciting Is This! NOIRELAND International Crime Fiction Festival will be returning in March 2019. @nholten40 @angelaontour @NOIRElandfest

When I get a press release from the fabulous Angela McMahon, I always get excited. And I wasn’t wrong – because today it seems the news that NOIREland will be back in 2019 is abound! Woohoo! Check out the details Continue reading OMG! How Exciting Is This! NOIRELAND International Crime Fiction Festival will be returning in March 2019. @nholten40 @angelaontour @NOIRElandfest

When history starts to repeat itself, it seems the killer is closer than she thinks. #KeepHerSilent #Extract #MiniReview @nholten40 @Theresa_Talbot @Aria_Fiction

Woohoo! Thrilled to be hosting Theresa Talbot’s KEEP HER SILENT blog tour today! Huge thanks to Theresa,  Vicky Joss (Publicity) and Aria Fiction for asking me to take part. I purchased this book as originally I was only going to Continue reading When history starts to repeat itself, it seems the killer is closer than she thinks. #KeepHerSilent #Extract #MiniReview @nholten40 @Theresa_Talbot @Aria_Fiction

Bloody Scotland reveals the four finalists for the McIlvanney Prize 2018 #PressRelease @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @Brownlee_Donald

Eeeeek! The countdown for Bloody Scotland is officially ON and I am thrilled to be able to share with you the FOUR finalists for the McIlvanney Prize 2018! My thanks to Fiona Brownlee and Bloody Scotland for sharing the press Continue reading Bloody Scotland reveals the four finalists for the McIlvanney Prize 2018 #PressRelease @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @Brownlee_Donald

Can she overcome her demons to prevent another murder? #TruthAndLies #Review #DIAmyWinter #ThomasAndMercer @nholten40 @Caroline_writes @AmazonPub

BOOM! ? It’s my stop on Caroline Mitchell’s TRUTH AND LIES blog tour and I am over-the-moon to be sharing my review of this explosive read today! Huge thanks to the author and Thomas Mercer for inviting me on the tour Continue reading Can she overcome her demons to prevent another murder? #TruthAndLies #Review #DIAmyWinter #ThomasAndMercer @nholten40 @Caroline_writes @AmazonPub

The past comes back to haunt her. Will it destroy her family? #BloodSecrets #Review @nholten40 @DredaMitchell

The past comes back to haunt her. Will it destroy her family? Only two people know what’s happened to the gold stolen in an underworld bullion heist. That’s East End gangster’s widow Babs Miller and her best friend Pearl. So whenthe gold vanishes from Continue reading The past comes back to haunt her. Will it destroy her family? #BloodSecrets #Review @nholten40 @DredaMitchell

The past is a dangerous place… #DeepestWounds #Review @nholten40 @StridentPublish @GoJaBrown @annecater

Oh yeah! ?? Today is my stop on Gordon Brown’s DEEPEST WOUNDS blog tour! Huge thanks to Anne Cater, the author and Strident Publishing for inviting me on the tour and providing me with an arc! A bit about the Continue reading The past is a dangerous place… #DeepestWounds #Review @nholten40 @StridentPublish @GoJaBrown @annecater

Joshua is convinced there is a family curse… #AKillerHarvest #Review #NgaioMarshAwards @nholten40 @ngaiomarshaward @craigsisterson @PaulCleave

?? Whoop! Whoop! Today I am over the moon to be hosting a stop on the Ngaio Marsh Awards blog tour! I chose Paul Cleave’s A KILLER HARVEST as I liked the sound of the blurb. MASSIVE thanks, as always, Continue reading Joshua is convinced there is a family curse… #AKillerHarvest #Review #NgaioMarshAwards @nholten40 @ngaiomarshaward @craigsisterson @PaulCleave

Could this be the end for Heck? #KissOfDeath #Extract #MiniReview @nholten40 @paulfinchauthor @Sabah_K @AvonBooksUK

BOOM! ?? I am one happy #CrimeBookJunkie as today is my stop on Paul Finch’s KISS OF DEATH blog tour! I’m thrilled to have an extract from the book to share with you all and I’ve also included a #minireview Continue reading Could this be the end for Heck? #KissOfDeath #Extract #MiniReview @nholten40 @paulfinchauthor @Sabah_K @AvonBooksUK