A sinister and dangerous investigation…#AHollowSky #guestpost @mseancoleman @nholten40 @rararesources

Woohoo! Thrilled to be hosting M. Sean Coleman’s A HOLLOW SKY blog tour today! My thanks to Rachel Gilbey of Rachel’s Random Resources tours for the invite. First a bit about the book and the author before I share the Continue reading A sinister and dangerous investigation…#AHollowSky #guestpost @mseancoleman @nholten40 @rararesources

Dark family secrets – the kind of secrets that could kill… #TheWinters #CharacterIntro @nholten40 @LisaGabrieleTV @HarvillSecker @DeadGoodBooks

I can’t even express how thrilled I am to be taking part in Lisa Gabriele’s THE WINTERS blog tour today. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier is one of my all time favourite reads – and although I have yet to Continue reading Dark family secrets – the kind of secrets that could kill… #TheWinters #CharacterIntro @nholten40 @LisaGabrieleTV @HarvillSecker @DeadGoodBooks

Coleman Lang finds his girlfriend Gina dead in his apartment, he thinks nothing could be worse… #TheJanusRun @nholten40 @DouglasSkelton1 @SarabandBooks

Delighted and excited to be taking part in sharing the #booklove for Douglas Skelton’s THE JANUS RUN today. Huge thanks to the author and Sara Hunt of Saraband/Contraband books for the ARC. Find out a little more about Douglas Skelton Continue reading Coleman Lang finds his girlfriend Gina dead in his apartment, he thinks nothing could be worse… #TheJanusRun @nholten40 @DouglasSkelton1 @SarabandBooks

Is there ever a proper defence for murder? #AndSoItBegins #Review @nholten40 @RachelAbbott @Wildfirebks @Bookish_Becky @annecater #RandomThingsTours

WHOOP! WHOOP! I am absolutely THRILLED to be hosting Rachel Abbott’s AND SO IT BEGINS blog tour today! Massive thanks to Anne Cater for the invite and the author/Wildfire Books for the ARC. A little about the author and this Continue reading Is there ever a proper defence for murder? #AndSoItBegins #Review @nholten40 @RachelAbbott @Wildfirebks @Bookish_Becky @annecater #RandomThingsTours

A twisted path of mind control and madness… #WaspLatitudes #GuestReview @nholten40 @allanwatson12 @BOTBSPublicity

I’m over the moon to be hosting Allan Watson’s WASP LATITUDES blog tour today. Massive thanks to the ever-so-awesome Sarah Hardy of Book on the Bright Side Publicity for the invite on this tour. I have a fantabulous guest post Continue reading A twisted path of mind control and madness… #WaspLatitudes #GuestReview @nholten40 @allanwatson12 @BOTBSPublicity

A killer in total control. A detective on the edge. #WhereTheTruthLies #GuestPost @nholten40 @WriterMJLee @canelo_co

Woohoo! Absolutely thrilled to be hosting MJ Lee’s WHERE THE TRUTH LIES blog tour today with a fabulous guest post on what a Coroner does! Huge thanks to Ellie Pilcher and Canelo for the invite. First a bit about the Continue reading A killer in total control. A detective on the edge. #WhereTheTruthLies #GuestPost @nholten40 @WriterMJLee @canelo_co

…will Boulder be the reluctant hero and save the day? #DieCold #review @nholten40 @GrahamSmith1972 @Bloodhoundbook

Happy Publication Day! Oooooh I do love it when Boulder is unleashed and today he is making his mark in DIE COLD! Thrilled to be hosting Graham Smith’s DIE COLD blog tour today alongside these fantabulous bloggers: Donna’s Book Blog Continue reading …will Boulder be the reluctant hero and save the day? #DieCold #review @nholten40 @GrahamSmith1972 @Bloodhoundbook

One crossed wire, three dead bodies and six bottles of bleach… #GoodSamaritans #GuestPost @nholten40 @will_carver @OrendaBooks @annecater

Absolutely THRILLED to be hosting Will Carver’s GOOD SAMARITAN blog tour today with a very interesting #guestpost that really hit a chord – I am currently writing the second book in my series, before even knowing how my debut will Continue reading One crossed wire, three dead bodies and six bottles of bleach… #GoodSamaritans #GuestPost @nholten40 @will_carver @OrendaBooks @annecater

…who do you trust, when both sides are out to get you? #HushHush #Review @nholten40 @writermels @AvonBooksUK @Sabah_K

All the #Eeeeeeeeeeks today on my blog as it’s my stop on Mel Sherratt’s #epic HUSH HUSH blog tour! It feels like aaaaaaages since I read this book, but the fact that I’m still so excited about it – well Continue reading …who do you trust, when both sides are out to get you? #HushHush #Review @nholten40 @writermels @AvonBooksUK @Sabah_K

#McIntyreSeries #BookPromo #SharingTheBookLove @nholten40 @GoJaBrown @StridentPublish

Being a fan of Gordon Brown’s #McIntyre series, I just had to share the FANTASTIC promo that is going on at the moment. I still have one book in the series to review… #mybad – however, I have included a Continue reading #McIntyreSeries #BookPromo #SharingTheBookLove @nholten40 @GoJaBrown @StridentPublish

#CrimeFictionTreasureHunt #DarkOfNight #DarknessSeries @nholten40 @CSDuffywriter

Woohoo! Now this is something different! I’m thrilled to be taking part in Claire Duffy’s DARKNESS series blog tour – a Glasgow set serial killer thrillers. As you may have seen on other stops in the tour, we’ll all be Continue reading #CrimeFictionTreasureHunt #DarkOfNight #DarknessSeries @nholten40 @CSDuffywriter

A complex web of intrigue, espionage and murder…#UnspokenTruths #GuestPost #DIGusMcGuire @nholten40 @LizCrimeWarp @Bloodhoundbook

Whoop! Whoop! Thrilled to be hosting Liz Mistry’s UNSPOKEN TRUTHS blog tour today with a great #guestpost! My thanks to Emma Welton, Liz Mistry and Bloodhound Books for the invite. Let’s find out a little more about the author and Continue reading A complex web of intrigue, espionage and murder…#UnspokenTruths #GuestPost #DIGusMcGuire @nholten40 @LizCrimeWarp @Bloodhoundbook

Now all of Karin’s darkest secrets are being dragged into the light …#KeepYourFriendsClose #guestpost @joonLT @KillerReads @nholten40 @damppebbles

I’m over the moon to be taking part in June Taylor’s Keep Your Friends Close blog tour today sharing a fantastic guest post! Huge thanks to the author, Emma Welton and Killer Reads for inviting me to take part! I’d like Continue reading Now all of Karin’s darkest secrets are being dragged into the light …#KeepYourFriendsClose #guestpost @joonLT @KillerReads @nholten40 @damppebbles

Sonja believes she’s finally escaped the trap set by unscrupulous drug lords… #Trap #Review @nholten40 @lilja1972 @OrendaBooks @annecater

Woohoo! I am absolutely over-the-moon to be a part of Lilja Sigurdardóttir’s TRAP blog tour. A huge thanks to Anne Cater and Orenda Books for the invite and the ARC. First a bit about the author and this most amazing book- a Continue reading Sonja believes she’s finally escaped the trap set by unscrupulous drug lords… #Trap #Review @nholten40 @lilja1972 @OrendaBooks @annecater

Well this is pretty awesome… @JP_Books @mariwriter @TheakstonsCrime OH MY! ??? @nholten40 #PressRelease #Harrogate #CrimeFestival

When this juicy bit of news dropped into my inbox…I may have squealed with delight! For those of you heading to Harrogate for the annual crime festival next year…THIS is some of what you have to look forward to! One Continue reading Well this is pretty awesome… @JP_Books @mariwriter @TheakstonsCrime OH MY! ??? @nholten40 #PressRelease #Harrogate #CrimeFestival