FIRST MINISTER, NICOLA STURGEON TO TAKE THE STAGE WITH IAN RANKIN AT BLOODY SCOTLAND – Sat whaaaat? ???? #PressRelease @nholten40 @Beathhigh @BloodyScotland @NicolaSturgeon @Brownlee_Donald

Woohoo! What a headline! Nicola Sturgeon to take the stage with Ian Rankin at Bloody Scotland Bloody Scotland is delighted to reveal that the ‘special guest’ interviewing Ian Rankin on Saturday 21 September will be First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. A Continue reading FIRST MINISTER, NICOLA STURGEON TO TAKE THE STAGE WITH IAN RANKIN AT BLOODY SCOTLAND – Sat whaaaat? ???? #PressRelease @nholten40 @Beathhigh @BloodyScotland @NicolaSturgeon @Brownlee_Donald