The Language of Dying #GuestReview @ClaireKreads @nholten40 @SarahPinborough

Super excited that my guest reviewer has read and is sharing her thoughts on Sarah Pinborough’s The Language of Dying today on my blog! I have heard GREAT things about this book and added it to my TBR some time ago…might be that now I need to have a wee search and bump it up! Have a read, see what you think!

Tonight is a special terrible night.

A woman sits at her father’s bedside, watching the clock tick away the last hours of his life. Her brothers and sisters – all broken, their bonds fragile – have been there for the past week, but now she is alone.

And that’s when it always comes.

The clock ticks, the darkness beckons.

If it comes at all.

Claire’s Rating: 4/5


Claire’s Review:

The Language of Dying isn’t quite what I expected. It’s a story of a messed up family, each child with their own baggage, brought together for the first time in years because the patriarch is on his death bed. Our main character is the primary carer for her cancer riddled dad and as the doctors are calling time on his life, she calls her big sister, the first of the siblings to return to the family home. As we meet the family, we uncover the problems that this fragmented family is dealing with; domestic abuse, substance abuse, mental health and broken relationships.

As I said, it’s not quite what I expected. I hadn’t read any of Ms Pinborough’s books before but having seen the hype surrounding her most recent novel “Behind Her Eyes”, I thought I would start with this novella. Even though it’s not what I’d call a psychological thriller, it is definitely a dark story and I was left stunned by the end of my reading experience. The writing style totally drew me in and I was there with the family going through this morbid situation.

If you’ve read “Behind Her Eyes”, please do not judge this novel on that book. It is something different.

Thanks for sharing your review, Claire. I am definitely looking forward to reading this. If this sounds like something you might want to add to your TBR then click the link below or head to amazon yourself and pick up a copy!