He is her husband. She is his captive. #TheLastThingToBurn #Review @nholten40 @willrdean @HodderBooks

I’m super excited to be closing down Will Dean’s ?THE LAST THING TO BURN? blog tour today! Huge thanks to Jenny Platt (publicist) and Hodder & Stoughton for the invite and proof copy! First a bit about the author and Continue reading He is her husband. She is his captive. #TheLastThingToBurn #Review @nholten40 @willrdean @HodderBooks

Please don’t let me die like this… #TheGirlFromTheLake #Review @nholten40 @J_A_Simones @all_covered

How do you tell the difference between a vivid dream, an hallucination and reality? Or is the fact that you are questioning the above in the first place a sign of insanity? Who would you turn to if your own Continue reading Please don’t let me die like this… #TheGirlFromTheLake #Review @nholten40 @J_A_Simones @all_covered

Will Daniella catch the killer before she loses everything? #CoverReveal #SixWounds @MorganCryAuthor @GoJaBrown @BirlinnBooks @PolygonBooks

In case you missed the reveal on Chapter in my Life last night, I’m delighted to jump on the bandwagon and share the fantastic cover and blurb for Morgan Cry (aka Gordon Brown’s) latest offering: SIX WOUNDS! So what’s this Continue reading Will Daniella catch the killer before she loses everything? #CoverReveal #SixWounds @MorganCryAuthor @GoJaBrown @BirlinnBooks @PolygonBooks

But someone must pay… #SinsOfTheFather #Review #QueenOfCreepyCrime? @nholten40 @sbairden @RedDogTweets

On Friday Nov 27th you may have heard a high-pitched squeal of excitement – that was me celebrating the ?? Publication Day ?? of debut novelist and #bestest of friends, Sharon Bairden as Sins of the Father was released to Continue reading But someone must pay… #SinsOfTheFather #Review #QueenOfCreepyCrime? @nholten40 @sbairden @RedDogTweets

Who will heed the call when Death comes whispering? #WhispersInTheDark #Review #PublicationDay @nholten40 @cmacwritescrime @RedDogTweets

??  Happy Publication Day, Chris!  ?? Who will heed the call when Death comes whispering? Small time drug dealer, Marcus Stone and DCI Clive Burston had never met until one night in August. By the end of that night, both Continue reading Who will heed the call when Death comes whispering? #WhispersInTheDark #Review #PublicationDay @nholten40 @cmacwritescrime @RedDogTweets

The truth can set you free… or bury you. #FifteenCoffins #Review @nholten40 @TonyJForder @BOTBSPublicity

Delighted to be taking part in Tony Forder’s #FifteenCoffins blog tour today! Thanks to Sarah Hardy from #BookOnTheBrightSidePublicity for the invite/organising and the author for the ARC. Let’s find out a bit more about the author and this book before Continue reading The truth can set you free… or bury you. #FifteenCoffins #Review @nholten40 @TonyJForder @BOTBSPublicity

What a cast! What a show! #WhatACarveUp 5 ⭐️ #Review @nholten40 @CarveUpUK @jonathancoe @FillouxPastry @theBarnTheatre @thelbt @NewWolsey

I don’t generally review films, plays or shows on my blog – but this is more of an online event and I enjoyed it more than I expected I would. First, here’s a little but about WHAT A CARVE UP Continue reading What a cast! What a show! #WhatACarveUp 5 ⭐️ #Review @nholten40 @CarveUpUK @jonathancoe @FillouxPastry @theBarnTheatre @thelbt @NewWolsey

Will finding freedom mean paying the ultimate price? #TheAngels #Review @nholten40 @AlexKaneWriter @HeraBooks @BOTBSPublicity

Woohoo! Thrilled to bits to be taking part in Alex Kane’s blog tour for #TheAngels today! Huge thanks to Hera Books for the ARC and Sarah Hardy of Book on the Brightside publicity for the invite! Before I share my Continue reading Will finding freedom mean paying the ultimate price? #TheAngels #Review @nholten40 @AlexKaneWriter @HeraBooks @BOTBSPublicity

Be sure to check there’s no-one hiding in the wardrobe and join #ThrillerWomen #PressRelease @nholten40 @penny_author @ECScullion

Two RedDoor Press Authors Launch Thriller Women Blog  Woohoo! Exciting news coming from two authors who have joined forces to bring more #thrillerwomen to the crime fiction community forefront! October 7th  saw the launch of the Thriller Women blog – Continue reading Be sure to check there’s no-one hiding in the wardrobe and join #ThrillerWomen #PressRelease @nholten40 @penny_author @ECScullion

WHEN THE STORY ENDS, THE HUNT BEGINS . . . #TheWitchHunter #Extract @nholten40 @ed_pr @MaxSeeck @WelbeckPublish

Super excited to be taking part in Max Seeck’s #TheWitchHunter blog tour today! Huge thanks to Megan at Ed Public Relations and Welbeck Publish for the ARC and extract. I’m really looking forward to reading this novel and once you Continue reading WHEN THE STORY ENDS, THE HUNT BEGINS . . . #TheWitchHunter #Extract @nholten40 @ed_pr @MaxSeeck @WelbeckPublish

A catastrophic attack. A country in chaos. A race to prevent war. #TotalBlackout #PublicationDay #Review @nholten40 @AlexShawhetman @HQstories

A catastrophic attack. A country in chaos. A race to prevent war. British M16 agent, and former SAS trooper, Jack Tate is trying to escape his past when he witnesses a terrorist attack of unthinkable scale. An electro-magnetic pulse knocks Continue reading A catastrophic attack. A country in chaos. A race to prevent war. #TotalBlackout #PublicationDay #Review @nholten40 @AlexShawhetman @HQstories

Live or die. It’s the only choice they have. #Survive #Review @t0mbale @nholten40 @Bloodhoundbook

Paradise is about to become hell… On a remote island in the Adriatic, an enigmatic billionaire hosts a twisted form of entertainment to satisfy the jaded appetites of his exclusive guests. And for one unsuspecting family, the holiday of a Continue reading Live or die. It’s the only choice they have. #Survive #Review @t0mbale @nholten40 @Bloodhoundbook

Some secrets are too big to bury… #Ransomed #Review @nholten40 @Writer_MAHunter @StephenEdger @0neMoreChapter_

Some secrets are too big to bury… Investigative journalist Emma Hunter never thought she’d be a bestselling author. Especially not for a blistering exposé of the brutal horrors committed at an orphanage. Some secrets breed in the dark… All she Continue reading Some secrets are too big to bury… #Ransomed #Review @nholten40 @Writer_MAHunter @StephenEdger @0neMoreChapter_

She did it, she escaped his clutches… #IKnowTheTruth #Review @nholten40 @ComleyMel

She did it, she escaped his clutches. Now she lives under a new name. For the past five years, Lucy has lived in fear of her past. But all that is about to change when Matthew enters her life. Will Continue reading She did it, she escaped his clutches… #IKnowTheTruth #Review @nholten40 @ComleyMel

Is this one fight Grace can’t win? #HeadOfTheFirm #Review #PublicationDay @nholten40 @cjfinlaywriter @0neMoreChapter_

A family at war… Happily married and with two small children, Grace has stepped away from the murky underworld that has shaped so much of her life.  Now Grace is leaving the hard work to the boys – her son Continue reading Is this one fight Grace can’t win? #HeadOfTheFirm #Review #PublicationDay @nholten40 @cjfinlaywriter @0neMoreChapter_