“She isn’t the first young woman to disappear…” #TheChosenOnes #Review @nholten40 @HowardLinskey @PenguinRHUK @MichaelJBooks

Oh my giddy aunt! I was super excited when I opened an email with THIS waiting for me…. After a bit of childish, giddy squealing I immediately agreed to be on the blog tour – I mean, it’s Howard Linskey Continue reading “She isn’t the first young woman to disappear…” #TheChosenOnes #Review @nholten40 @HowardLinskey @PenguinRHUK @MichaelJBooks

Bloody Scotland’s McIlvanney Prize longlist 2018 revealed! #PressRelease @brownlee_donald @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @AlisonJbooks @bookouture

Whoop! Whoop! You may have already seen the longlist announced but I have to say I am more than excited with the fantabulous authors chosen …especially Alison James’ NOW SHE’S GONE! See the press release below for more details and Continue reading Bloody Scotland’s McIlvanney Prize longlist 2018 revealed! #PressRelease @brownlee_donald @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @AlisonJbooks @bookouture

One moment of carelessness. Four shattered lives. #ThePupil #CoverReveal @nholten40 @DGoodwinAuthor @Aria_Fiction @HoZ_Books

I am super excited to be able to reveal the cover and blurb for Dawn Goodwin’s THE PUPIL. It’s out August 7th and published by Aria Fiction / Head of Zeus. Before I reveal this AWESOME cover, let’s find out Continue reading One moment of carelessness. Four shattered lives. #ThePupil #CoverReveal @nholten40 @DGoodwinAuthor @Aria_Fiction @HoZ_Books

Do you really know your friends? #MyHusbandsLies #Review @nholten40 @CazEngland @AvonBooksUK

Do you really know your friends? On the afternoon of Nick and Lisa’s wedding, their close friend is found poised on a hotel window ledge, ready to jump. As the shock hits their friendship group, they soon realise that none Continue reading Do you really know your friends? #MyHusbandsLies #Review @nholten40 @CazEngland @AvonBooksUK

To your knowledge, is there anything that would preclude you from serving on this jury? #Thirteen #Review @nholten40 @SSCav @orioncrime #thatbookthathook

Happy *paperback* Publication Day, Steve! *warning – if you’re easily offended….stop here…as I swear and may say some inappropriate things when I’m excited and this book…well, it excited me..a lot!* HOLY FRIGGIN SH*TBALLS ? I’m super excited to be hosting Continue reading To your knowledge, is there anything that would preclude you from serving on this jury? #Thirteen #Review @nholten40 @SSCav @orioncrime #thatbookthathook

When loyalty is fragile, who can you trust? #GraveIsland #AndrewSmyth #Review @nholten40 @Bloodhoundbook

Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy thriller filled with intrigue and suspense!? Huge thanks to Sarah Hardy and Bloodhound Books for the ARC and inviting me to take part in Andrew Smyth’s GRAVE ISLAND blog tour. As always, I’ll share Continue reading When loyalty is fragile, who can you trust? #GraveIsland #AndrewSmyth #Review @nholten40 @Bloodhoundbook

Gone to Ground (Detective Kay Hunter series) #CoverReveal @nholten40 @RachelAmphlett

Eeeeeeek! So excited to be a part of the cover reveal for the FABULOUS Rachel Amphlett and GONE TO GROUND – Book 6 in the Detective Kay Hunter series! I can’t wait to read this!  A little about Rachel and Continue reading Gone to Ground (Detective Kay Hunter series) #CoverReveal @nholten40 @RachelAmphlett

It all started with a missing coat… #CarpenterRoad #guestpost @nholten40 @Bloodhoundbook @normthewriter

Thrilled to be sharing this #guestpost from N.M. Brown as part of the Carpenter Road blog blitz! My thanks to Sarah Hardy and Bloodhound Books for the invite!  How about we find out a bit about the book and the Continue reading It all started with a missing coat… #CarpenterRoad #guestpost @nholten40 @Bloodhoundbook @normthewriter

BIG SISTER #GunnarStaalesen #InternationalGiveaway #VargVeum @nholten40 @OrendaBooks @annecater

Over the moon to be hosting this fabulous #international #giveaway on Gunnar Staalesen’s BIG SISTER blog tour. Massive thanks to Anne Cater and Orenda for inviting me along.  Before I share the post, how about we find out a little Continue reading BIG SISTER #GunnarStaalesen #InternationalGiveaway #VargVeum @nholten40 @OrendaBooks @annecater

WHAT WAS LOST #CoverReveal @nholten40 @jeanelevy @emily_glenister @DomePress

Whoop! Whoop! I’m thrilled to have been asked by the lovely Emily Glenister and The Dome Press to take part in a cover reveal for Jean Levy’s WHAT WAS LOST. I’ll also be taking part in the blog tour in Continue reading WHAT WAS LOST #CoverReveal @nholten40 @jeanelevy @emily_glenister @DomePress

A little lie … a seismic secret … and the cracks are beginning to show… #FaultLines #Review @nholten40 @doug_johnstone @OrendaBooks @annecater

Absolutely EPIC!  I’m THRILLED TO BITS to be taking part in Doug Johnstone’s Fault Lines blog tour today! Huge thanks to Anne Cater of #RandomThingsTours and Orenda for asking me and providing me with an ARC of this wee gem!  How Continue reading A little lie … a seismic secret … and the cracks are beginning to show… #FaultLines #Review @nholten40 @doug_johnstone @OrendaBooks @annecater

…is it Ed’s mind playing tricks, or hers…? #TheOldYou #Review @nholten40 @LouiseVoss1 @OrendaBooks @AnneCater

☝? That was my face when I finished this book! I’m thrilled to be hosting Louise Voss’ The Old You blog tour today. Massive thanks to Anne Cater and Orenda for the ARC and invitation to take part in this Continue reading …is it Ed’s mind playing tricks, or hers…? #TheOldYou #Review @nholten40 @LouiseVoss1 @OrendaBooks @AnneCater

A breakneck journey through the darkest reaches of the human soul… #Absolution #Review @nholten40 @Hardisty_Paul @AnneCater @OrendaBooks

☝? That’s me right now as I am soooo frickin’ excited to finally be able to share my review of Paul Hardisty’s Absolution! A massive thanks to Anne Cater and Orenda for the ARC and inviting me on the tour Continue reading A breakneck journey through the darkest reaches of the human soul… #Absolution #Review @nholten40 @Hardisty_Paul @AnneCater @OrendaBooks

This is the story of two families…. #Hiding #Review @nholten40 @jmortonpotts #CahootsPublishing

Keller Baye and Rebecca Brown live on different sides of the Atlantic. Until she falls in love with him, Rebecca knows nothing of Keller. But he’s known about her for a very long time, and now he wants to destroy Continue reading This is the story of two families…. #Hiding #Review @nholten40 @jmortonpotts #CahootsPublishing

A missing girl. Threatening notes. Sinister strangers… #AFracturedWinter #Review @nholten40 @alisonbailliex @WillandWhiting

Absolutely over-the-moon to be hosting A Fractured Winter blog tour today! I adore Alison Baillie’s writing, so I was thrilled to be asked to take part in the tour! My thanks to the author and Williams & Whiting publishing for Continue reading A missing girl. Threatening notes. Sinister strangers… #AFracturedWinter #Review @nholten40 @alisonbailliex @WillandWhiting