Clever Deception: Claire Knight – Guest Review

I absolutely LOVED this book and you can find my review HERE.  My guest reviewer, Claire Knight, seemed to enjoy it too!  Check out her awesome review of M.A Comley & Linda S. Prather’s Clever Deception



“Have you ever watched the light fade from someone’s eyes, Foxy? The pigment slowly, ever so slowly disappear?”

The press call him the Escape Artist, and he is certainly living up to his name.

Sergeant Alexandra Fox has never come up against such a devious mind in her entire career. Ten young women, seven of them wives of fellow officers, have been found tortured and murdered. Every tiny lead fizzles out, and he revels in taunting them by phone, torturing them mentally as he forces them to listen to the screams of his victims.

Alexandra, is determined to catch him before he kills again, unaware that she’s become the object of his obsession until he issues one last threat: “I thought I would give you one warning. A chance to back away and leave the investigation. Don’t make me punish you.”

Claire’s Rating: 5/5

Claire’s Review: 

Clever Deception kicks off with a horrifying prologue. A gut wrenching start is the sign of something good to come.

OMG who is the Escape Artist?!?!? He’s a man in the know!!! Watching Alex from the shadows?? Cannot wait for Tragic Deception to find out if he is caught!!

I really didn’t like DI Jordan. He didn’t appear for long but for me it was long enough to take a dislike to the man. Alex I loved! She’s a tenacious gut-following detective and she’s suppressed by a boss looking blinkeredly ahead. This novella suggests she’s got skills to be exposed and used for the good of the police force, this girl could go far!!

I’ve read offerings from both Ms Comley and Prather and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed what I read. Admittedly I’ve read more from Mel Comley but in reading Clever Deception I got the presence from Linda S Prather and I really want to read what happens next in the series !!

As with many novellas and short stories, this ebook covers a lot of ground making you feel like you’ve read a lot more than the 56 pages you’ve got.

A big thank you to Mel Comley and Linda Prather for giving me a copy of Clever Deception to read and review.

As always, my ‘lil star has delivered a cracking review!  If this books piques your interest…and it should…it rocks…then click the link below!

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