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It’s not you, it’s me!
Just an update really: I am not taking on any NEW review requests – so if I have never read your books before, I’m afraid I won’t be able to add you to the ridiculously HIGH piles of books I have filling up my house.
I am taking a much needed break to catch up on my TBR, and work on my OWN writing so will be taking on limited/no new review requests/and virtually no blog tours, unless I am posting content for them or I have the time to do it.
If I have not been in contact after one week, I am afraid it is because I cannot take on your request at this time. Please DO NOT send repeated requests. I do check my mail so if I have not responded, it is because I can’t review your book.
*Thank you*
I am glad to accept books for review consideration on my blog CrimeBookJunkie. My reviews are only my opinion and I always try to be constructive, say what I liked about a book or explain why it was not particularly to my taste. If I do not like a book, I will be as honest as I can in a constructive manner…I appreciate that writing is hard work so will not be negative/overly critical and these may only be posted on amazon/goodreads.
I will only post reviews that are 3⭐’s or more on my blog as this, for me, is about sharing the #booklove ?❤ I generally do not finish books that may end up with less than 3⭐’s because life is too short, I have far too many books to read and I just want to shout out about books that I think every crime fiction fan should pick up!
I’m planning on removing star ratings from my blog, but for the purpose of amazon/Goodreads this is how my (star) ratings can be understood:
5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – this book BLEW ME AWAY! Superb; Exciting; I will be forever #FanGirling. An unforgettable read that will stay with me!
4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐- GREAT book! Adored it! Awesome; intriguing; captured my interest throughout! You are on my radar! #NotAStalker
3/5 ⭐⭐⭐ – really GOOD book! Aspects had me hooked. Curiousity piqued! I will definitely be looking out for your books!
Please note the following as contacting me assumes you have read and agree to these terms:
*I am always happy to hear from publishers and authors about books and any book received will be read/reviewed, however I cannot guarantee a timeframe unless we discuss and agree a particular date for post. This blog is a passion project, not a job. I will consider every book request but may not accept them all….and you may have to wait….?
Please read below and If you would like to contact me about a review you can email me at [email protected]
* I currently accept ebooks mobi form (Kindle), paperbacks or hardback
*I participate in blog tours but time contraints may limit the number I take on or I can post content and share across various social media platforms
*I am on Netgalley, Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and share my reviews/posts on these social media sites/any book clubs I may be a part of. I will always try to send links to the authors/publisher once my review is posted…and I am happy to be contacted for a link if I have not contacted you directly myself– and you may need to prompt me so don’t be shy!
* I also beta-read, but due to other commitments, I am selective in what I can agree to and need plenty of notice.
*I have also Guest Reviewed on what was formerly but now is BestCrimeBooksandMore Please check out that blog too as this is where I started and found my interest/passion in blogging/reviewing.
*Authors and publishers are welcome to use quotes from my review of their book only with prior consent and my blog name must always appear along side it.
~Thank you
What I Like:
I really am truly and genuinely interested in a wide variety of books and my tastes do change. As a rule of thumb, I love crime fiction, thrillers and horrors in the main. Currently I am especially interested in the following:
Crime fiction
True Crime – some
Horror – some
Thrillers/psychological thrillers
Mysteries (darker/noir)
Action/Spy Thriller
Legal Thrillers
I also enjoy some YA/Dystopian/Fantasy books, particularly if there is a crime element
No Erotica or Romance please! not send me this as I will never respond to an email from you again.
If you would like to contact me about a review you can email me at [email protected].
Thanks for your interest!
For my Readers/Blog Followers
While I receive many books for review, I will always let you know where I got the book and give you my honest opinion regardless of the source. I used to use affiliate links, but once my WP updated, I just stopped, so any link within a post, is just a link to amazon…I gain NOTHING…if this ever changed, I would let you know (ie: publisher affiliate link) otherwise, as I said, I use a plain link for which no monetary value is attached.
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Unfortunately I have a massive TBR to get through whilst writing and my FT day job at the moment. I’ll check it out when I can. All the best.
Hi Crime Book Junkie,
I run a website called where i sell many adult books.
Could you please have a look and see if there are any you would like to review please?
Thank you for your comment. I will respond to your email as soon as I have a moment. ?
Hello Noelle, I have reviewed guidelines above and will send you an email as requested. To start the process, I wanted to tell you a little about me.
My name is Chloe Sunstone. I am a brand new author who released her first book, a cyber-crime thriller this week. I would love to be a more active participant on your blog in any way that I can assist (i.e. author guest posts, interviews etc.) Additionally, I would love to obtain a review from a guest reviewer.
Here is a little about the book:
Can Workplace Bullying Lead to Murder? The Mentor by Chloe Sunstone explores a fictional world where corporate malfeasance leads to murder and mayhem.
Book Blurb:
When brilliant, but socially awkward software engineer Arthur Cracknel is given the opportunity to mentor a beautiful intern named Sage Gonzalez, he never anticipates they’ll be thrust into a dark world of rampant corruption, unspeakable revenge, and murder.
With the help of his own mentor, Domenic Griffin, Arthur must protect himself and Sage while unraveling the secrets lurking beneath the corporate veil.
In a world full of malicious forces, can Arthur emerge unscathed, or will he be towed under the wave of deceit and wickedness to become just another victim?
Link to the book on Amazon:
Here are some facts about me:
Growing up an avid murder mystery reader, I always yearned to write a novel. Instead, my pragmatic “I Need Money Now” side won out. I built a respectable career in Human Resources…but always longed for more!
After over twenty years in HR, I sprinted back to my first love, writing. I’ve leveraged my corporate experience to write compelling mysteries that explore the most sinister side of the corporate veil. My first book, The Mentor, was recently released. My second book, The Hire, will be released late in 2018.
Contact Information:
I can be contacted via this email or via phone at 216-856-1021.
Thanks! Chloe Sunstone
I’ve read and enjoyed “Changing the Odds”. Thanks.
After 5 years of toil, today I took the jump into publishing. My first novel is entitled ‘Limestone Shakedown’ and is a crime thriller about a British private investigator who is forced to fake his own death to find answers to a case of a missing girl. Available on Kindle now. Thank you.
Thanks, Jack! You’re absolutely right – I’m not complaining at all! ??
Loving the site! I suppose there are worse things than being inundated with books! 😉
Hello Noelle,
I so enjoy your blogs and reviews and would be thrilled if you or Claire might have the time to review my latest (true crime) book ‘Odd Man Out – A Motiveless Murder?’.
This recounts the true and tragic, but surprisingly under-reported case of a 42 year old transgendered former bus conductress who, in 1948, brutally beat to death a 68 year old woman whom she barely knew. Occurring in the peaceful Lancashire mill town of Rawtenstall, the case sent shock waves around the town at the time but subsequently has disappeared into the dusty annals of crime, written off as a ‘motiveless murder’. However, a significant amount of critical evidence, suppressed by the police and not revealed until now, suggests Margaret ‘Bill’ Allen did have a most compelling motive. Neither the killer, who has been wrongly described as a lesbian, nor the victim, labelled even by her own family as ‘abnormal’, attracted much public sympathy at the time, despite a campaign fought by Margaret’s best friend (and most likely her lover), the loyal Annie. 70 years on from Margaret’s execution by hanging at Manchester’s Strangeways prison, I invite readers to consider whether the verdict and society’s treatment of Margaret would be any different today, and I explore what happened to some of those involved in the aftermath of the case.
Many thanks for your kind attention,
Denise Beddows.
Please read the review policy which states how to request a review (there is an email address to send all details of the review to.) Thank you ?
You will also read that I am not personally taking on any new requests so anything sent to me will be forwarded to my guest reviewer for consideration.
I am looking for reviews of my latest novel Deadly Partnership and hoping you might be interested. It is a murder mystery with a touch of spiritualism added to the mix.
Hi Maureen!
Please email all review requests to [email protected]
As you can see from the top of my policy, I personally am not taking on review requests but will pass on to my guest reviewer for consideration.
Have a good day! ?
I would love to send you a copy of Sugar and Spice. This is the third in my East End of London series. I worked in Dagenham and Barking Police Stations as a witness Care Officer for CPS and Met Police.
My latest novel comes out this month. DS Jaswinder Singh is only just hanging on to his job when a piece of dull routine work in Dagenham, where a clue hangs tantalisingly in the air, turns into a race against time to catch a group of dangerous paedophiles. There are young lives at stake, and only Jazz and his crew DI Boomer, DC Ashiv Kumar and Mad Pete are daring enough to poke a stick into this hornet’s nest.
Upon discovering that high powered individuals, whose influence has made them untouchable, are involved with a paedophile ring, Jazz has his work cut out to hunt down these men that the government are trying to protect. As the murderous group are slowly uncovered, the detectives find themselves hunted by their own police force and MI5.
Sugar and Spice follows Jazz as he fearlessly walks into trouble, careless for his crew’s well being. This third book in “The Singhing Detective” series uses dark humour to relieve the tension created by the dramatic climaxes and tells a story of hard work, loyalty and cunning.
Thank you for reading this.
Love Maureen x
I write as M. C. Dutton
Hiya! If you email me some details to [email protected], I will have a look, but my current review list runs well into 2017 – so I cannot make any promises ?
Hiya… historical thriller/mysteries tend to be somewhat cosy, how would you feel about reviewing one set in the 1660s that isn’t cosy at all? It’s the first in a series which is a bit of a breakaway for me!
Awww! Hope you feel better and thanks so much for the compliment! ?
Great site! At home sick and have been happy reading and browsing, so thanks!
Thanks so much! ?
Love the site, Congratulations it is both interesting and informative.
No problem! I will keep an eye out for the email!
Thanks Crime Book Junkie, for the note above. I’m causing the hiatus here, not you. Jan 26 is some time back, but I’ve been finishing a lot of screen writing stuff and, dealing with producers and putative directors, to the exclusion of all else.
A 1000 apologies for not responding sooner. I will email you details of my books as you suggested.
Hi! Email me the details on [email protected]
I do have a massive TBR at the moment but guest reviewers as well.
Always happy to have a look and if you don’t mind waiting (could be a while)
I would definitely consider reviewing ?
I write the Bristol private eye Jack Shepherd crime thrillers. First book published “Closing the Distance” Spring 2014. Second book “Changing the Odds” published Dec 2016. “21,000 words into JS book 3 (as yet untitled).
We are followers on twitter. How do I set about establishing a relationship with crimebookjunkie and offering “Changing the Odds” for review?