#PressRelease Bloody Scotland reveals new BIG name – Ashley Jensen star of the Agatha Raisin TV series – appearing at this year’s Festival @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @Brownlee_Donald

Last year one of the sell-out events at Bloody Scotland was Douglas Henshall, star of Shetland with Ann Cleeves, the author of the books which inspired the TV series. This year we are thrilled to reveal that we will be emulating Continue reading #PressRelease Bloody Scotland reveals new BIG name – Ashley Jensen star of the Agatha Raisin TV series – appearing at this year’s Festival @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @Brownlee_Donald

It’s 1989, the second Summer of Love, and Tommy Collins is doing what he does best…#Exclusive #CoverReveal THE RAVE @nholten40 @AuthorBlackNE

Woohoo! I am over-the-friggin-moon to be able to exclusively reveal Nicky Black’s THE RAVE cover and blurb to you all today…it’s HOT! First let’s find out a bit a more about the author and the book before I show you Continue reading It’s 1989, the second Summer of Love, and Tommy Collins is doing what he does best…#Exclusive #CoverReveal THE RAVE @nholten40 @AuthorBlackNE

Press Release #ICYMI @JohnGrisham @stavsherez | Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year 2018 announced @nholten40 @TheakstonsCrime

Stav Sherez has tonight (announced 19 July, 9pm) scooped the Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year Award for The Intrusions. Now in its fourteenth year, the Award is considered one of the most coveted crime writing prizes in Continue reading Press Release #ICYMI @JohnGrisham @stavsherez | Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year 2018 announced @nholten40 @TheakstonsCrime

A deadly secret. A chilling game. A past you can’t escape. #Exclusive #CoverReveal #MarkedForDeath @nholten40 @TonyKent_Writes @angelaontour @eandtbooks

OMFG! ? If I’m dreaming, DO NOT WAKE ME! I am absolutely over the friggin moon to be taking part in the #exclusive cover reveal for the ever-so-awesome TONY KENT and MARKED FOR DEATH. As always, thanks to the fabulous Continue reading A deadly secret. A chilling game. A past you can’t escape. #Exclusive #CoverReveal #MarkedForDeath @nholten40 @TonyKent_Writes @angelaontour @eandtbooks

Thirteen: The serial killer isn’t on trial. He’s on the jury #GuestReview @nholten40 @bookaddictshaun @SSCav @orion_crime

I’m thrilled to share #BookAddictShaun’s thoughts on the EPIC read – THIRTEEN by the ever-so-awesome, Steve Cavanagh! The Eddie Flynn series is one of my firm favourites, so if I can’t convince you to #buythisbook with my review (HERE) then Continue reading Thirteen: The serial killer isn’t on trial. He’s on the jury #GuestReview @nholten40 @bookaddictshaun @SSCav @orion_crime

In one of the most beautiful corners of England, Something very ugly is about to take place… #DancingOnTheGrave #Review @nholten40 @authorzoesharp

After finally reading my first #CharlieFox book last year, and hearing so much over the years about how awesome Zoe Sharp is, I knew I could not turn down the opportunity to read a #newseries from this fantastic author! I’d Continue reading In one of the most beautiful corners of England, Something very ugly is about to take place… #DancingOnTheGrave #Review @nholten40 @authorzoesharp

I buried you. I mourned you. But now you’re back. #YouWereGone #GuestReview @nholten40 @bookaddictshaun @TimWeaverBooks @PenguinUKBooks

Whoop! Whoop! Guest reviewer,  #BookAddictShaun is back with his thoughts on Tim Weaver’s YOU WERE GONE. I’ll share some ‘deets’ about the book and then let’s see what Shaun thinks! About the Book I buried you. I mourned you . Continue reading I buried you. I mourned you. But now you’re back. #YouWereGone #GuestReview @nholten40 @bookaddictshaun @TimWeaverBooks @PenguinUKBooks

Will Lewis become locked in the past forever? #TheBoyWhoWasntThere #Review #ShortStory @nholten40 @EmmaLClapperton

O-M-G ? I am more than excited to be taking part as the final stop in Emma Clapperton’s blog tour for The Boy Who Wasn’t There! This is a short story but linked to one of my favourite series with Continue reading Will Lewis become locked in the past forever? #TheBoyWhoWasntThere #Review #ShortStory @nholten40 @EmmaLClapperton

Can DCI Dan Hellier decipher the twisted mind… before more people are sacrificed? #DeathOnTheCoast #Guestpost @nholten40 @bloodhoundbook @BernieSteadman

Thrilled to be taking part in Bernie Steadman’s Death on the Coast blog tour with a fabulous guest post on becoming a published author. Huge thanks, as always, to the ever-so-awesome Sarah Hardy for asking me to take part in this tour. Continue reading Can DCI Dan Hellier decipher the twisted mind… before more people are sacrificed? #DeathOnTheCoast #Guestpost @nholten40 @bloodhoundbook @BernieSteadman

Revenge can be deadly… #Vendetta #CoverReveal @nholten40 @heatherbwriter @aria_fiction

Oh my giddy aunt! I am thrilled to be a part of the cover reveal for Heather Burnside’s Vendetta. Thanks to Vicky and Aria Fiction for asking me to be a part of this. How about I tell you a Continue reading Revenge can be deadly… #Vendetta #CoverReveal @nholten40 @heatherbwriter @aria_fiction

Facing My Fears … #NWC18 @nholten40 @HeideGoody @writingwestmids @JFDavidson1964 @brumradio_books

Yesterday, thanks to the ever-so-awesome Heide Goody and Jonathan Davidson of Writing West Midlands, I had the opportunity to talk about reviewing and blogging at the National Writer’s Conference 2018! OMFG – I was on a panel! ? I loved Continue reading Facing My Fears … #NWC18 @nholten40 @HeideGoody @writingwestmids @JFDavidson1964 @brumradio_books

The Home #Exclusive #CoverReveal plus #QandA @nholten40 @KarenAuthor @Aria_Fiction

I love starting the week with a fantastic cover reveal and Q&A. I’m thrilled to be exclusively revealing the cover for Karen Osman’s THE HOME today! Huge thanks to Aria Fiction and Melanie Price for asking me to be involved. Continue reading The Home #Exclusive #CoverReveal plus #QandA @nholten40 @KarenAuthor @Aria_Fiction

A lot can happen in 4 weeks … @nholten40 @sarahhardy681 @KimTheBookworm @MWCravenUK @bookouture @sbairden @SSCav @MarkBillingham @Choconwaffles

It’s a sunny, Sunday morning and I thought I’d do a wrap-up of what has been happening over the last 4 weeks or so as there has been a lot! I’ll start with the not-so-good thing and end on a Continue reading A lot can happen in 4 weeks … @nholten40 @sarahhardy681 @KimTheBookworm @MWCravenUK @bookouture @sbairden @SSCav @MarkBillingham @Choconwaffles

“She isn’t the first young woman to disappear…” #TheChosenOnes #Review @nholten40 @HowardLinskey @PenguinRHUK @MichaelJBooks

Oh my giddy aunt! I was super excited when I opened an email with THIS waiting for me…. After a bit of childish, giddy squealing I immediately agreed to be on the blog tour – I mean, it’s Howard Linskey Continue reading “She isn’t the first young woman to disappear…” #TheChosenOnes #Review @nholten40 @HowardLinskey @PenguinRHUK @MichaelJBooks

Bloody Scotland’s McIlvanney Prize longlist 2018 revealed! #PressRelease @brownlee_donald @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @AlisonJbooks @bookouture

Whoop! Whoop! You may have already seen the longlist announced but I have to say I am more than excited with the fantabulous authors chosen …especially Alison James’ NOW SHE’S GONE! See the press release below for more details and Continue reading Bloody Scotland’s McIlvanney Prize longlist 2018 revealed! #PressRelease @brownlee_donald @nholten40 @BloodyScotland @AlisonJbooks @bookouture